Stevenson Educational Experience Requirements

Stevenson Educational Experience Requirements

To prepare students for personal and professional success, the Stevenson Educational Experience, or SEE, requires general education coursework and coursework in a student’s undergraduate major program/field of study.

Please consult major program requirements and suggested course sequences for more information. Prospective students may access major program requirements and suggested course sequences by accessing the appropriate Stevenson University Catalog and selecting a field of study in which they are interested. Current students may also access a complete list of courses by major program via the Registrar's portal page in SU NOW. 


SEE Course Requirements









Fine Arts






Quantitative Literacy and Scientific Reasoning


10 - 12

Social Sciences



Total SEE Courses




The following is additional information regarding SEE course requirements that apply to students seeking an undergraduate degree in one of Stevenson University’s major programs/fields of study.


Communication Intensive (CI) (3 credits):

Students complete 1 Communication Intensive course from available courses.

Writing Courses

Students complete writing courses that include the following:

  • ENG 153 (4 credits) an Honors Program course, and
  • Two Writing Intensive (WI) courses that meet the following criteria.
  • At least one Writing Intensive course must be in the student’s major area of study.
  • One Writing Intensive course must be at the 200 level.
  • One Writing Intensive course must be at the 300 level or 400 level.

Please Note: A single course may fulfill WI or CI. No single course may count as both WI and CI. A single course can fulfill either a WI or CI requirement and another distribution requirement.

Distribution Requirements

No single course may count in more than one distribution area for the purpose of fulfilling the SEE requirement.

Fine Arts (FA; 3 credits)

Students complete 1 Fine Arts course from available courses.

Humanities (HUM; 12 credits)

Students complete 4 Humanities courses in 3 different disciplines.

Quantitative Literacy and Scientific Reasoning (QL, SR, SR-L; 10-12 credits)

Students complete 3 Quantitative Literacy and Scientific Reasoning courses that include

  • One Quantitative Literacy course coded as a MATH course and
  • One Scientific Reasoning course including a laboratory component (e.g., BIO 113/113L).  

Social Sciences (SS; 6 credits)

Students complete 2 Social Sciences courses in 2 different disciplines.

Foreign Language (6 credits)

Candidates for the Bachelor of Arts degree must complete two semesters of a foreign language from the point of placement or complete the 202 level of a foreign language.

1The discipline areas are represented by the course prefix designators that precede the course number in the catalog (e.g. PHIL, REL, MATH)

Grade Requirements

  • The minimum passing grade for ENG 150, ENG 151, ENG 152 and ENG 153 is a "C". 
  • Students must earn a minimum grade of "D" in courses that are used to fulfill only SEE requirements.  
  • Students must earn a minimum grade of "C" in any course that fulfills both a major requirement and a SEE requirement.

Courses that fulfill SEE requirements are identified using the following designations in the course descriptions.

CI – Communication Intensive

FA – Fine Arts

HUM – Humanities

QL – Quantitative Literacy

SR – Scientific Reasoning

SR-L – Scientific Reasoning-Laboratory

SS – Social Sciences

WI – Writing Intensive