The SEE Student Learning Goals and Outcomes

SEE Goal 1: Develop Intellectual and Creative Expertise

Stevenson University students will exemplify rational, critical, and creative thinking needed to understand diverse perspectives and solve problems in a complex world.

1.A. Stevenson University students will use multiple modalities to articulate messages interactively for a specific audience and purpose.

1.B. Stevenson University students will apply principles of effective written communication to investigate perspectives and synthesize solutions.

1.C. Stevenson University students will apply terminology of a creative medium, interpret artistic expressions, and/or produce/perform creative work.

1.D. Stevenson University students will examine, analyze, and articulate perspectives on individual and/or collective experiences.

1.E.   Stevenson University students will apply mathematical strategies to analyze, model, and solve problems.

1.F.   Stevenson University students will investigate problems, analyze relevant data, and draw appropriate conclusions.

1.G. Stevenson University students will interpret and explain human behavior.

SEE Goal 2: Embody Civility and Respect for Difference

Stevenson University students will engage each individual positively as a being of worth and contributor to humanity’s collective success and prosperity.

2.A. Stevenson University students will positively engage others in a diverse world by identifying biases, explaining the complexity of elements important to another culture, and/or crafting inclusive responses to intercultural encounters.

SEE Goal 3: Engage In Authentic Career Experiences

Stevenson University students will apply learning beyond the classroom to acquire practical experience in a chosen career.

3.A. Stevenson University students will apply knowledge and skills learned through coursework in an academic program to a culminating professional experience.

SEE Goal 4: Act Ethically as a Professional

Stevenson University students will exhibit the professionalism needed to achieve success as a practitioner in a chosen career.

4.A. Stevenson University students will apply knowledge of the conduct expected of professionals in a chosen career.