Course Load

For full-time status, a student may take 12 - 18 credits each semester; however, the typical full-time undergraduate course load is 15 to 17 credit hours per semester. Credits earned during Winterim do not count toward a student’s regular fall or spring course load for the purpose of determining full-time status or financial aid. Students must take a minimum of 12 credits in fall or spring to be considered a full-time student for that semester, regardless of Winterim enrollment.

A student may not register for more than 18 credit hours in any one semester without the permission of the student's advisor and the academic program administrator. There is an additional tuition charge for credits over 18. If the total number of credits taken by a student in any given fall and Winterim semesters exceeds 18, then the student will pay standard tuition rates for any credits taken in excess of 18 in Winterim.