MLS 410 Hematology II

Continues the study of hematology concepts, including an advanced study of the pathophysiology, laboratory diagnosis, clinical correlation and peripheral blood identification of quantitative and qualitative white cell disorders, acute and chronic leukemias, and myeloproliferative, myelodysplastic, lymphoproliferative and plasma cell disorders. Topics in coagulation cover normal hemostasis and disorders in the clotting mechanism, therapeutic anticoagulants, pathologic inhibitors, and thrombotic disorders. Laboratory exercises concentrate on identification of precursor white cells and white cell disorders in peripheral smears. Students are introduced to bone marrow evaluation, coagulation testing procedures, automated instrumentation, and flow cytometry.


3 credits


A grade of C or better in MLS 310, MLS 310L and MLS 338 or MLT(ASCP) certification for students enrolled in the online MLS program.


Fall 8-week-1 and 8-week-2, Spring 8-week-1 and 8-week-2, and Summer 8-week-1 and 8-week-2, as needed.