MLS 405 Transfusion Medicine

Discusses the theoretical and practical concepts of blood banking and transfusion medicine. Introductory topics include donor screening and selection, basic blood group serology, component processing and therapeutic use, hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn, adverse reactions to transfusion, and quality assurance in the blood bank. Advanced topics include transfusion therapy, adverse complications of transfusion, blood inventory management, autoimmune hemolytic anemia and regulatory issues in the blood industry.  Students enrolled in the traditional program will perform ABO/Rh grouping, antibody screening, compatibility testing, antibody identification, and component modification in the laboratory. MLT (ASCP) certified students in the online MLS program will perform a comprehensive review of all transfusion service principles and procedures. Students will analyze and correlate the relationship between laboratory results, diagnoses and/or the progression of disease.



4 credits


A grade of C or better in MLS 310, MLS 310L and MLS 338 or MLT(ASCP) certification and enrollment in the online MLS program.


Fall 8-week-1 and 8-week-2, Spring 8-week-1 and 8-week-2, Summer 8-week-1 and 8-week-2, as needed.