Student Publications

The Villager is an independent online news publication that publishes news, sports, feature and opinion stories, along with the “Villager Voice” podcast and “Villager Video” digital stories. Its staff consists of students from every discipline at Stevenson. Its purpose is to report University news and features on students, faculty, and local activities while representing diverse views and acting as a channel of information. The Villager provides a laboratory environment in which those interested in journalism can gain skills in writing, editing, and digital news production. Students on staff may receive academic credit for their work. The student editor-in-chief makes final content decisions.

The Greenspring Review: A Literary, Art, and Media Magazine is a digital literary magazine run by Stevenson University students and produced by the English Language and Literature program. Launched in fall 2016, this online publication features fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, photography, art, video, and other forms of media. The magazine hosts literary events throughout the year and accepts submissions for its fall and spring issues each semester. Read the latest issue at