Course Withdrawal

To withdraw from a course, students must complete a Class Withdraw or Audit Form and submit the form to the Registrar's Office. Students may not withdraw from courses online through WebXpress. Notice to the instructor of intent to withdraw is not sufficient. Students who stop attending and fail to officially withdraw from a class will be given a grade of "FX" which calculates as an "F."

Students may withdraw from a course only during the published withdrawal dates. Students withdrawing from class during this period will have a "W" recorded on their transcript; a grade of "W" does not affect the GPA. The last date for withdrawal from a course without penalty is listed in the academic calendar for each semester. Withdrawing from a course after the published withdrawal date results in a grade of "WF." Students may not withdraw from classes during exam week.

Traditional students who withdraw from an accelerated course that is offered any time during the semester must do so during the published drop/add period. After drop/add ends, students will be able to withdraw based on the published schedule, but no refunds of tuition will be given even if the class has not started.

A student may be administratively withdrawn from the University if his or her absences in a class are excessive.