Approved Honor Societies
Students may only wear honor cords at commencement that are awarded from the following list of approved national academic honor societies.
Alpha Chi – National College Honor Society
Alpha Chi is an honor society that promotes only the highest academic excellence and exemplary character among undergraduate Stevenson University students. As a national honor society, Alpha Chi admits only junior and senior students from all academic disciplines who have been endorsed by their faculty and who have achieved a grade point average putting them in the top 10% of their class (including their grade point average from any transferring institutions). Alpha Chi is thus unique in that it draws its members from across all academic disciplines. In addition to recognizing students for their academic achievement, Alpha Chi also offers numerous opportunities for their further growth. The society sponsors a competition for scholarships and fellowships totaling more than $50,000 yearly, mostly at the national level but also at the regional and local levels. Members also have the opportunity to participate in student scholarly and creative presentations and publish scholarly articles at national and regional conventions.
Alpha Epsilon Rho - National Honor Society for Electronic Media
The National Broadcasting Society–Alpha Epsilon Rho, the Honor Society for Electronic Media students, emphasizes superior scholarship and creative participation in broadcast, corporate, and digital media production and activities. Membership in Alpha Epsilon Rho exemplifies excellence of work, demonstrated leadership qualities, and service to the organization, the community, and the industry. Although open to students in any major at Stevenson, membership in Alpha Epsilon Rho is administered through the FMI (Film & Moving Image) Club and requires membership in the National Broadcasting Society; a cumulative GPA of at least a 3.25; active participation in club meetings and events; and demonstrated service to the profession.
Alpha Mu Alpha – National Marketing Honor Society
Alpha Mu Alpha was established by the American Marketing Association’s (AMA) in its commitment to the advancement of excellence in the field of marketing. Alpha Mu Alpha is the national marketing honor society for undergraduate, graduate and doctoral marketing students, and marketing faculty. To qualify, marketing students must be nominated by their AMA Faculty Advisor during their graduating semester.
Alpha Phi Sigma-National Criminal Justice Honor Society
Alpha Phi Sigma is a criminal justice honor society that provides students with opportunities to experience an international network of criminal justice professionals and students. This organization is a certified member of The Association of College Honor Societies and affiliated with The Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. The Alpha Phi Sigma National Criminal Justice Honor Society goals are to promote critical thinking, scholarship, community service, and life-long learning. Students are also encouraged to keep abreast of the advances in research, to elevate the ethical standards of the criminal justice professions, and to sustain in the public mind the benefit and necessity of education and professional training. Membership is extended to those students that have completed at least three full-time semesters, 12 credits in the criminal justice field, a cumulative grade point average of 3.00 on a 4.00 scale, as well as a 3.20 average in criminal justice courses and rank in the top 35% of their class.
Alpha Psi Omega – National Honorary Theatre Society
Membership in Alpha Psi Omega is open to all students at Stevenson who participate regularly in University theatre productions. The local chapter, in conjunction with the theatre department at Stevenson University, extends invitations to those students who have acquired enough points based upon records supplied by the theatre staff and advisors or both. Most chapters operate by point guidelines as outlined in the Alpha Psi Omega constitution. The purpose of Alpha Psi Omega is to recognize and reward those students who have made significant contributions to the theatre.
Beta Beta Beta – National Biological Honor Society
Beta Beta Beta was founded in 1922 as an honor and professional society for students of the biological sciences. Its purposes are to encourage scholarly attainment and cultivate intellectual interest in the life sciences. To be eligible for regular membership, a student must be at least a second year biology, biochemistry, environmental science, or medical laboratory science major who has completed a minimum of three biology courses, at least one of which must be higher than the introductory level, with a GPA in all biology courses of 3.00 or higher. Members must also be in good academic standing with no academic misconduct violations. The society also welcomes associate members who are students at any level in any major who are interested in biology.
Delta Epsilon Iota - National Honor Society for Career Development
Delta Epsilon Iota is an interdisciplinary honor society open to all majors. Delta Epsilon Iota’s mission is to educate members about career development, encourage academic excellence, and promote the principles of dedication, enthusiasm, and initiative in all aspects of campus life. The society has embraced these values and is now one of the leading academic honor societies serving higher education. Delta Epsilon Iota works directly with the Office of Career Services. Membership is comprised of students with at least 30 credits and a GPA of 3.30 and above.
Gamma Sigma Epsilon - National Chemistry Honor Society
Gamma Sigma Epsilon recognizes students demonstrating exceptional ability and interest in the field of chemistry. It aims to promote professionalism and scholarship in chemistry and the general welfare of its members. Membership in Gamma Sigma Epsilon is extended to those students who have completed a minimum of 16 credits in chemistry and are enrolled in four additional chemistry credits and who have a minimum GPA of 3.40 in all chemistry courses and a minimum 3.00 overall GPA.
Kappa Delta Pi – International Education Honor Society
Kappa Delta Pi is an international honor society open to the top students in the field of education. This honor society promotes leadership and fellowship among educators. Scholarship, leadership and service are the pillars of KDP. Eligible students must be juniors or above, have a minimum of 12 credits in education and a GPA of 3.30 or above, and provide supportive evidence of their commitment to education.
Kappa Mu Epsilon – National Mathematics Honor Society
Kappa Mu Epsilon promotes a knowledge and appreciation of mathematics and recognizes outstanding student achievement in mathematics at colleges and universities whose primary focus is undergraduate education. Membership in Kappa Mu Epsilon is open to students in any major who have taken three mathematics courses at the 200 level or higher, one of which must be in the calculus sequence (MATH 220, 221, or 222), who have attained a "B" or better in all mathematics courses, and who rank in the upper 35% of their class by GPA.
Kappa Omicron Nu-Fashion Merchandising Honor Society
Kappa Omicron Nu promotes empowered leaders who use an integrative approach to enhance quality of living through excellence in scholarship, leadership, and research. Kappa Omicron Nu recognizes high achievement in academics and scholarship. The Nu Alpha Eta chapter of Kappa Omicron Nu at Stevenson University invites students in Fashion Merchandising and Fashion Design who meet the following requirements: at least 60 credit hours completed, with 30 of those completed at Stevenson University, and have a GPA in the top 25% of their major.
Lambda Epsilon Chi – National Honor Society for Paralegal Studies
Lambda Epsilon Chi (LEX) is open to full-time and part-time legal studies students in good standing who demonstrate superior academic performance by having a cumulative grade point average and a grade point average in their legal studies classes of at least 3.50 and who have completed at least two-thirds of the program. Members are selected by legal studies faculty based on a written application for membership, faculty recommendations, and demonstration of service and dedication to the legal profession.
Lambda Pi Eta – Honor Society of the National Communication Association
Lambda Pi Eta's goals are to recognize, foster, and reward outstanding scholastic achievement in communication studies; to stimulate interest in the field of communication; to promote and encourage professional development among communication majors; to provide an opportunity to discuss and exchange ideas in the field of communication; to establish and maintain closer relationships between faculty and students; and to explore options for graduate education in communication studies. Membership in Lambda Pi Eta is extended to those students with a 3.0 cumulative GPA who have completed 60 credits and have at least a 3.25 GPA in a minimum of four courses in the communication courses in the major. Activities are a mix of social, academic, and community service.
Psi Chi – The International Honor Society in Psychology
Psi Chi, the International Honor Society in Psychology, promotes excellence and scholarship in psychology and works to advance the science of psychology. Students who apply for membership must be psychology majors or minors who have completed at least three full-time semesters; have completed three psychology courses totaling nine credits with a minimum GPA in psychology of 3.0; and rank in the top 35% of GPAs for their academic year, with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00.
Sigma Beta Delta – International Honor Society in Business, Management, and Administration
Sigma Beta Delta recognizes scholarship and personal accomplishment for students of business, management, and administration. The society encourages and promotes aspirations toward personal and professional improvement and a life distinguished by honorable service to humankind. Students majoring in Business Administration are invited to lifetime membership if they meet the following criteria: a ranking in the top 20% of all business administration majors for the academic year; at least a 3.3 total and 3.3 major GPA on a 4.0 scale; no grades less than a "C"; completion of at least 70 credits towards the baccalaureate degree; completion of at least 30 credits towards the major; and submission of a resume and assigned essay to the SBD faculty officers for review and affirmation.
Sigma Tau Delta – International English Honor Society
Alpha Lambda Omicron, Stevenson University’s chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, confers distinction upon students of English language and literature in undergraduate, graduate, and professional studies. Students majoring in English language and literature and interdisciplinary studies (with English as one of the focuses), or minoring in English who have an overall GPA of 3.00 or better and have an average in their English classes of 3.00 or better are eligible for membership. Members are recognized for their outstanding achievements and may enrich their educational experience by taking part in chapter activities, competing for national awards and scholarships, and attending the annual Sigma Tau Delta convention. They may also contribute to The Rectangle, the society’s literary publication.
Sigma Theta Tau International – Honor Society of Nursing
Rho Epsilon, Stevenson University's chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International, is open to undergraduate and graduate nursing candidates who demonstrate scholastic achievement, academic integrity, and leadership qualities. Student candidates are invited to join the society when they meet specific membership requirements. These requirements can be reviewed at Nurses in the community who demonstrate excellence in practice and leadership may also be nominated. A formal induction ceremony is held during the spring semester. The purpose of Sigma Theta Tau International is to create a community of leaders and scholars in practice, education, and research to enhance the health of all people. The society supports learning and professional development of members to improve nursing care worldwide.
Sigma Xi – The Scientific Research Society
Sigma Xi is an international, multidisciplinary society that promotes the health of the scientific enterprise, rewards excellence in scientific research, and encourages a sense of cooperation among scientists in all fields. Each May election to this international honor society is conferred upon students majoring in the sciences and mathematics who have excelled in conducting independent research and in communicating the results of their work, and who show great potential for a future in research.
Tau Upsilon Alpha – National Honor Society for Human Services
Candidates for Stevenson University's Alpha Chapter of Tau Upsilon Alpha must be human services majors or minors, have a minimum overall GPA of 3.25, have completed three full-time semesters of university work, and be in the upper 35% of their class. In addition, they must agree to abide by the National Organization for Human Services' Code of Ethics. The mission of this honor society is to honor academic excellence; to foster lifelong learning, leadership, and development; and to promote excellence in service to humanity.
Upsilon Phi Delta- National Honor Society for Healthcare Management
The purposes of UPD are to: elevate the standards, ideals, competence and ethics of professionally educated women and men in health administration and leadership, recognize and encourage scholarship in healthcare administration, recognize students who achieve distinction in healthcare administration studies in universities and colleges, provide financial assistance through scholarships to outstanding students pursuing graduate studies.