Placement Information in Foundational and Co-Requisite Courses

Foundational and co-requisite courses in mathematics are designed to improve skills in these content areas. Placement in and successful completion of foundational and co-requisite courses are required of students who do not demonstrate proficiency in the basic skill areas on Stevenson placement assessments. Students who are placed into foundational mathematics, MATH 005#, are required to complete them during their first year at Stevenson. This  courses does not receive college credit, is not calculated in a student's GPA, and does not count toward the calculation of dean's list. However, they do count toward enrollment status for financial aid and full-time student status.


Co-requisite courses exist for MATH 135, MATH 136, and MATH 137. For MATH 135 and MATH 136, students who place out of foundational mathematics but do not place into their required course instead take MATH 128 and MATH 129, respectively. These courses provide additional support to students who need it, while still allowing them to earn college credit for their work. Students who need additional support in MATH 137 will take MATH 137 and MATH 037#. MATH 037# is a non-credit course like MATH 005# and does not count toward GPA, and does not count toward the calculation of dean's list. It does count toward enrollment status for financial aid and full-time student status.