Student Health Services

The Wellness Center offers limited primary care services by appointment with one of our health providers. A minimal fee will be charged to the student’s account for services and supplies. Insurance can be used for medications and outside testing, i.e., labs or x-rays. Vaccine clinics and outreach programs are offered throughout the year.

Student Health Requirements
All  new commuter and resident students taking classes on campus  are required to have the Stevenson University Student Health Requirements completed by June 1 for fall entrance and January 15 for spring entrance. All new students taking classes on campus are required to complete these requirements even if they are turning in other health related records to other departments. Please refer to those specific departments for any health requirement questions, i.e., Athletics.  Nursing students do not need to resubmit the Student Health Requirements every year. Students who have been away from Stevenson University for at least two years and are reapplying for admission as a student taking classes on-campus must complete another Student Health  Form. Failure to submit a completed Student Health Form will block a student from registering for future classes and/or lead to removal from housing.

In addition, all students living in Stevenson University housing are required to be immunized against meningococcal disease (MCV4/Menveo/Menactra). Some students may require a booster dose of the meningitis vaccine prior to moving into the Residence Halls if they did not receive a booster after the age of 16. At this time, the meningitis B (Trumenba/Bexero) vaccination is NOT required for Stevenson students. All new students taking classes on campus are required to have records showing proof of MMR and Varicella. The COVID vaccine is no longer required, but it is highly recommended.