Credit by Portfolio

Matriculated students may earn credit for degree requirements by pursuing a Credit by Portfolio option. Students interested in this option are encouraged to meet with their Success Coach or Academic Advisor and their Academic Program Administrator to determine if they have appropriate professional experience for which college credit may be awarded. Upon approval of the Academic Program Administrator, the student will enroll in a 3-credit portfolio development course in which they will assemble appropriate evidence demonstrating that their documented experiential learning meets the objectives of the course for which they wish to receive credit. Completed portfolios are reviewed by faculty evaluators and awarded a grade of “P” (Pass) or “NC” (No Credit). Credits for specific courses are awarded for successful completion of a portfolio and a grade of “P”. Awarded credits are posted on the student’s transcript and are counted toward degree completion requirements. A maximum of 6 credits can be earned by portfolio, not including the portfolio development course. Credit earned by portfolio is included in the maximum of 90 credits that can be applied to degree requirements from a combination of 2-year institutions, 4-year institutions, and non-direct classroom instruction.