Additional Learning Opportunities

Experiential Learning

Experiential learning involves a process of learning, doing, and reflecting and provides Stevenson students with the opportunity to acquire first-hand experience. Experiential learning empowers students to connect ideas and experiences from a variety of contexts, synthesizing and transferring what they have learned in the classroom to situations beyond the classroom. Stevenson offers students a variety of experiential learning opportunities, including internships, practicums, clinicals, undergraduate research, service-learning, and study abroad.

International and Off-Campus Study

Stevenson University offers exciting international and domestic study opportunities for academic credit. Students can choose from SU faculty-led travel courses or approved "SU In" and affiliate programs in a variety of countries around the world, including the United States. Terms include fall and/or spring semester, Winterim, summer and spring break. Participation requires an application be submitted by stated deadlines. Costs vary, with many options allowing financial aid and scholarships to be applied. It is recommended that students confer with their academic advisors early on in their time at SU to plan an international or domestic study experience into their overall academic program. Engaging in off-campus programs directly enhances Stevenson’s mission to graduate students with the competence and confidence needed to address creatively the opportunities and problems facing their communities, the nation, and the world.

Questions regarding international and off-campus study should be directed to the Office of International and Off-Campus Study. For more information, please see the Office of International and Off-Campus Study's portal page or the SUGlobal site at Study Abroad at Stevenson.


All majors at Stevenson require students to participate in at least one internship or career-focused capstone or experiential learning course. Consult each program section in the Fields of Study section of this catalog for more detailed information.

Students can also explore internship opportunities through Handshake, an online employment database maintained by the Career Connection Center. The CCC staff is available to assist students with resume and cover letter writing and interview preparation skills, as well as techniques for searching for internships. is another resource available through Blackboard. All credit-bearing internships must be approved by the appropriate academic program administrator. Students must secure an internship and register for the coordinating course prior to the semester in which they plan to complete the internship.


Service-learning is an intentional teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful service with academic instruction and reflection. Through service-learning, students, faculty, and community partners collaborate to address real-life needs, locally, and globally. Through service-learning courses, students gain a deeper understanding of subject matter as well as complex social issues. Service-learning allows students to become skilled in relating theory with practice while building connections with the community and enhancing their future employment opportunities. Service-learning courses may be offered during the fall and spring semesters, as well as during Winterim from time to time.

Undergraduate Research

Undergraduate research provides an opportunity for students to conduct original, independent research in their academic field under the mentorship of Stevenson faculty or an off-campus mentor. Students apply the knowledge gained from course work to original research questions and hone their critical thinking, technical, and communication skills in the context of a professional research setting. Undergraduate research allows students to experience what it means to be a scholar in their field, working at the forefront of a discipline and advancing knowledge.

Many opportunities exist for students to engage in undergraduate research in many programs, including independent research courses, capstone research experiences, summer research experiences, work study, and research assistant positions. The Office of Sponsored Programs and Research also offers information on many off-campus summer research opportunities.

Summer Sessions

The summer session at Stevenson University offers opportunities to take accelerated online classes as well as traditional on-site classes. Often students use this opportunity to explore a subject that they have not had the opportunity to do as well as use it to lighten their course load for an upcoming semester. During the summer session, any student with a GPA of 2.00 or better is permitted to enroll in one 8-week one course and/or one 8-week two course. No permission is required. No traditional student is permitted to enroll in more than one online course per 8-week summer session.

Students in traditional undergraduate programs are not eligible to take accelerated, eight-week online courses offered by the Stevenson University Online in fall or spring, although students may enroll in 15-week online courses.


Winterim gives students an opportunity to take courses that fulfill SEE or program requirements in just three short weeks. Courses are offered on-campus and off-campus. Students may only take one course during Winterim.  Additional information can be found on the Registrar's portal page at Winterim.