Non-Credit Courses
The University offers a non-credit foundational math course that provide support for basic skills. If, as a result of placement testing, a student is required to complete such a course, the course will count for determining charges and course credit load. However, no credit is applied toward the degree requirements.
MATH 005# - Foundations of Quantitative Reasoning is a four credit course for billing and credit hour load, but no credit is applied to the degree requirements. It is designed to review the foundational mathematics which students need to succeed in introductory MATH courses. The University also offers co-remediation courses for all introductory credit-bearing Math courses. If, as a result of placement testing, a student is required to complete such a course, the student will take the credit-bearing course along with the matching co-remediation course. These co-remediation courses will be considered equivalent to two credits when determining fees and course credit load. However, no credit for the co-remediation portion of the course is applied toward the degree requirements.
ENG 006# - College Reading Lab emphasizes college-level reading, effective study skills, and methods of developing a college-level vocabulary. This is a three credit course for billing and credit hour load, but no credit is applied to the degree. The University also offers a co-remediation model in ENG 150. This course is a three credit course but students receive four hours of instruction each week. ENG 150 fulfills the first semester composition requirement.