
Laurel Abell (2018)

Adjunct Professor, English

B.S., Towson University

MFA, Vermont College of Fine Arts

Shelly Esi Aboagye (2021)

Adjunct Professor, Psychology

B.S. Lincoln University

M.S., Bowie State University

Ed.D., Marymount University

Moronke "Nikki" Adepoju, RN (2012)

Assistant Professor, Nursing

A.A., B.S.N., Marymount University

M.S., Johns Hopkins University

Ebenezer Afful (1985)

Associate Professor, Religion

Dip., University of Ghana

M.Div., Reformed Theological Seminary

Gigi Biabo Ajavon (2020)

Adjunct Instructor, Counseling & Human Services

B.F.A., Kutztown University

M.Div., Westminster Theological Seminary

Inna S. Alesina (2014)

Associate Professor, Graphic Design

B.F.A., Parsons New School for Design

MFA, Maryland Institute College of Art

Carli Allison (2019)

Adjunct Instructor, Chemistry

B.S., M.S., Stevenson University 

Chanel M. Anderson, PA, MLS(ASCP) (2014)

Adjunct Instructor, Medical Laboratory Science

A.A.S., B.S., Stevenson University

M.S., University of Maryland, Baltimore

Darrell Anderson (2021)

Adjunct Instructor, Information Systems

B.S., Morgan State University

M.S., Stevenson University

Gary Anderson (2019)

Adjunct Instructor, Business Administration

B.S., Towson University

M.S., Loyola University Maryland

Tiffany Anderson (2019)

Adjunct Professor, Psychology

B.A., Texas Southern University

M.S., Drexel University;

Ph.D., Loyola University Maryland

Brian L. Andrews (1989)

Adjunct Instructor, Political Science

B.A., Eastern Nazarene College

M.A., American University

Lea Alexa Andrus (2010)

Adjunct Instructor, Management

B.A., Hollins University

M.A., Washington College

Nic Anstett (2021)

Adjunct Professor, English

B.A., Washington College

MFA, University of Oregon

Cynthia Appleby (2014)

Adjunct Instructor, Education

B.A., University of North Carolina - Asheville

M.Ed., University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill

Trina G. Armstrong (2012)

Adjunct Professor, Healthcare Management

B.B.A., MBA, Loyola University, New Orleans

D.H.A., Phoenix University

Wynne Aroom, RN (2010)

Adjunct Instructor, Nursing

B.S.N., Northeastern University

M.S., University of Maryland

Mark Arvisais (2011)

Associate Professor, Management

B.S., Ithaca College;

MBA, Rochester Institute of Technology

Ph.D., George Washington University

Steven K. Badorf (2004)

Adjunct Instructor, Religion

B.F.A., Kutztown University

M.Div., Westminster Theological Seminary

Lawrence Baird (2008)

Adjunct Professor, Business Administration

B.A., Loyola University Maryland

MBA, Walden University

Candace Baker (2014)

Human Services Supervisor

B.S., Stevenson University

M.S., University of Maryland, Baltimore

Cary B. Barker (2006)

Adjunct Instructor, Business and Technology Management

B.A., Shippensburg University

M.S., Capitol College

Katherine Barrett (2011)

Adjunct Professor, Sociology

B.A., Notre Dame of Maryland University

M.S.W., University of Maryland, Baltimore

Robert Bauserman (2011)

Adjunct Professor, Psychology

B.A., University of Pennsylvania

M.A., Ph.D., Syracuse University

Miranda Baxendale (2018)

Adjunct Instructor, Law

B.A., M.A.T., Johns Hopkins University

Jesse Baxter (2018)

Adjunct Professor, Theatre

B.A., Messiah College

MFA, Towson University

Jennifer Baxter-Roshek (2011)

Adjunct Professor, Biological Sciences

B.S., University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown

Ph.D., University of Maryland, College Park

Laura Bearsch (2021)

Adjunct Professor, Legal Studies

B.S., Towson University

J.D., University of Maryland, Baltimore

Joyce K. Becker (1995)

Adjunct Professor, Forensic Studies

B.A., Notre Dame of Maryland University

J.D., University of Maryland, Baltimore

Joan P. Beemer (1983)

Adjunct Professor, Mathematics

B.S., Towson University

M.S., Johns Hopkins University

Carmela Bell (2006)

Adjunct Professor, Law 

A.A., Stevenson University

B.A., J.D., University of Baltimore

Leeanne M. Bell McManus (2007)

Professor, Business Communication

B.A., University of Pittsburgh

M.A., West Virginia University

Ph.D., Duquesne University

Colleen Berry (2021)

Adjunct Instructor, Biology

B.S., Loyola University, Maryland

M.S., University of Maryland

Lara Biagiotti, MLS(ASCP) (1981)

Program Coordinator, Medical Laboratory Science and Adjunct Professor, Medical Laboratory Science

B.S., University of Maryland, Baltimore

M.S., The Johns Hopkins University

Christopher Biddle (2014)

Adjunct Professor, Criminal Justice

B.A., Western Connecticut State University

M.A., John Jay College of Criminal Justice

Ph.D., Northcentral University

Misty Biggs (2021)

Adjunct Instructor, Medical Laboratory Science

B.S., Texas Tech University

Sarah Grace Cotter Blanset (2015)

Associate Professor, Mathematics

B.A., Amherst College

M.S., Ph.D., University of Notre Dame

Christopher Blocker (2021)

Adjunct Instructor, Philosophy

B.A., St. Mary's College

M.A., George Washington University

Richard E. Boardman (2013)

Adjunct Professor, Film and Moving Image

B.A., University of South Carolina

M.A., University of Kansas

Noni L. Bodkin, RN (2005)

Adjunct Professor, Nursing

B.S., Indiana University

M.S., University of Illinois, Chicago

Ph.D., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Margaret Bodley (2019)

Adjunct Instructor, Business Communication

B.A., McDaniel College

J.D., University of Baltimore

Fred Bolt (2007)

Adjunct Instructor, Religion

A.A., Anderson College

B.A., Southern Wesleyan University

M.A., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

James Borrelli (2021)

Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering

B.S., M.S., Ph.D., University of Maryland

Stephen Bossom (2019)

Adjunct Professor, Graphic Design

B.F.A., Sheppard University

MFA, University of Baltimore

Kathy Bradham (2014)

Education Supervisor I

B.S., Appalachian State University

M.A., Winthrop University

Mark A. Branson (2013)

Associate Professor, Mathematics

B.A., B.S., University of Oklahoma

M.Phil., Ph.D., Columbia University

Jakie Brown, Jr. (1997)

Assistant Professor, Information Systems

A.A., Community College of Baltimore County

B.A., Arlington Bible College

M.A.B.L., M.Div., Faith Theological Seminary

Monica Brown, MLS(ASCP) (2017)

Adjunct Instructor, Medical Laboratory Science

B.S., Stevenson University

Nathanael Adam Brown (2016)

Adjunct Professor, English

B.A., Cornell University

MFA, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Brittney Bryant (2021)

Adjunct Instructor, Forensic Science

B.S., M.S., Stevenson University

Sharon Buchbinder (2011)

Graduate Program Director, Healthcare Management and Program Coordinator, SUO and Professor, Healthcare Management

A.A.S., Maria College;

B.A., University of Connecticut

M.A., University of Hartford

Ph.D., University of Illinois

Thomas Buck (2021)

Adjunct Instructor, English

B.A., Washington University in St. Louis

M.S., Johns Hopkins University

Charles E. Buehrle (2017)

Adjunct Professor, Mathematics

B.S., LaSalle University

M.S., Ph.D., Lehigh University

Justin Buonomo (2019)

Adjunct Instructor, Healthcare Management

B.S., M.S., Stevenson University

Jeremy Russell Burkett (2015)

Professor, Chemistry

B.S., Huntington University

Ph.D., Purdue University

Damon L. Burman (2007)

Adjunct Professor, Forensic Sciences

B.S., West Virginia Wesleyan College

M.F.S., George Washington University

Katherine A. Buvoltz (2017)

Adjunct Professor, General Education

B.S., Houghton College

M.B.A, Regis University

Ph.D., Regent University

Beverly Bye, RN (2011)

Adjunct Professor, Nursing

B.S., Ed.D., Towson University

M.Ed., Loyola University Maryland

M.S., University of Maryland, Baltimore

Walter Calahan (2010)

Adjunct Instructor, Art

B.S., Syracuse University

M.A., McDaniel College

Joseph Carr (2015)

Adjunct Instructor, Education

B.A., University of Maryland, Baltimore County

M.A., McDaniel College

Patrick M. Carroll, Jr. (2005)

Adjunct Instructor, Information Systems

B.S., University of Maryland University College

M.S., George Washington University

Elise Carswell (2015)

Education Supervisor II

B.S., University of Maryland, College Park

M.Ed., Harvard Business School

Corinna Carter (2019)

Adjunct Instructor, Chemistry

B.S., M.S., Stevenson University

Jamie Carter (2021)

Adjunct Professor, Graduate Nursing

B.S., High Point University

M.S., DNP, University of Maryland, Baltimore

Robert W. Carter (2015)

Adjunct Instructor, Forensic Studies

B.S., Stevenson University

M.S., University of Baltimore

Elizabeth Caruso (2019)

Adjunct Instructor, English

B.A., University of Georgia

M.A.T., Loyola University Maryland

Louise M. Carwell (2009)

Adjunct Professor, Law

B.A., University of Rochester

J.D., Case Western Reserve University

Hollis Caswell, RN (2017)

Lecturer, Nursing

B.S., Salve Regina University

M.S., Stony Brook University

Aaron D. Chandler (2010)

Associate Professor, English

Faculty Teaching Fellow

B.A., Roanoke College

M.A., Hollins University

Ph.D., University of North Carolina, Greensboro

Pamela R. Chaney (2006) 

Adjunct Professor, Law

B.S., Virginia Commonwealth University

J.D., University of Maryland, Baltimore

Courtney Chase (2021)

Adjunct Professor, Graphic Design

B.F.A., Towson University

MFA, Maryland Institute College of Art

Samuel Cheney (2021)

Adjunct Professor, English

B.A., Pomona College

MFA, Johns Hopkins University

Jason Cherubini (2021)

Lecturer, Business Administration

B.S., M.S., M.S., Tulane University

Min Cheung (2015)

Adjunct Instructor, Fashion Design

B.S., Philadelphia University

Mark Chmielewski (2021)

Adjunct Instructor, Medical Laboratory Science

B.S., Stevenson University

MBA, West Chester University of Pennsylvania

Thomas L. Christianson (2012)

Adjunct Professor, Philosophy and Religion

M.A., Regent University

Sandra Clabough (2021)

Lecturer, Biology

B.S., Louisiana State University

M.S., Towson University

Ryan Clark (2015)

Program Coordinator, Theatre and Associate Professor, Theatre

B.S., Towson University

MFA, Florida State University

Stacey Coffey-Moreau (2018)

Adjunct Professor, Psychology

B.S., James Madison University

M.A., Ph.D., University of Virginia

Darlene Cohen (2004)

Adjunct Professor, Information Systems

A.B., University of Chicago

M.S., Villa Julie College

J.D., University of Maryland School of Law

L.L.M., S.J.D., National Law Center, George Washington University

Jeffrey Comen (2001)

Adjunct Professor, Law

B.A., Johns Hopkins University

J.D., University of Baltimore

James L. Condron (2008)

Adjunct Professor, Art

B.A., Colby College

MFA, Maryland Institute College of Art

Thomas D. Coogan (1988)

Adjunct Professor, Forensic Studies

B.A., Hamilton College

M.A., Antioch College

J.D., Antioch School of Law

Amber Cook (2021)

Adjunct Instructor, Education

B.S., Stevenson University

M.Ed., Goucher College

Dean E. Cook (1984)

Professor, Information Systems

B.A., Loch Haven State College

M.A., Indiana State University

M.A.S., Johns Hopkins University

Ph.D., University of Missouri

Linda Cook, RN (2008)

Adjunct Professor, Nursing

A.S., Monroe Community College

B.S.N., Alfred University

M.S., Ph.D., University of Maryland, Baltimore

Michael B. Cooney (2015)

Adjunct Instructor, Education

B.S., Stevenson University

M.S., Johns Hopkins University

Sienna Cordoba (2021)

Adjunct Instructor, History

B.A., New York University

M.A., University of California, Santa Barbara

Ian Coyle (2014)

Adjunct Instructor, Political Science

B.A., Saint Bonaventure University

M.P.A., State University of New York, Albany

Victoria Cozad, RN (2018)

Lecturer, Nursing

Women's Hospital Foundation Distinguished Professor

B.A., Valparaiso University

M.A., University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Rachel Craig (2021)

Adjunct Professor, Biology

B.S., Mount St. Mary's University

D.P.T., University of Maryland, Baltimore

Christina Cramer (2018)

Adjunct Professor, Psychology

B.A., St. Mary's College of Maryland

M.S., Loyola University Maryland

Ph.D., Brigham Young University

Danyelle Crawford (2019)

Human Services Supervisor I 

B.S., Stevenson University

M.S., University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Naomi Cross (2021)

Adjunct Instructor, Nursing

B.S.N., M.S., Notre Dame of Maryland University

Christopher T. Crostic (2009)

Technical Director and Associate Professor, Theatre

B.S., Frostburg State University

MFA, Indiana University

Alexander Crowley (2012)

Adjunct Instructor, Marching Band

Laura Culbertson, RN (2010)

Adjunct Instructor, Nursing

B.S.N., M.S., University of Maryland, Baltimore

Suzanne Curtis (2021)

Adjunct Proessor, Criminal Justice

B.S. University of Maryland

J.D., Tulane University

Michelle A. D'Alessandro, RN (2013)

Adjunct Professor, Nursing

B.S.N., Villanova University

M.S.N., Johns Hopkins University

D.N.P., University of Maryland, Baltimore

Christopher Michael Daley (2015)

Adjunct Instructor, Business Communication

B.S., Towson University

M.S., Stevenson University

Carolyn Danna (2014)

Senior Lecturer, Biological Sciences

B.S., Wheaton College

Ph.D., University of Maryland, Baltimore

David Davis (2021)

Adjunct Professor, Graphic Design

B.S., Southern Connecticut State University

MFA, Rochester Institute of Technology

Emmet Davitt (2005)

Adjunct Professor, Forensic Studies

B.A., University of Virginia

J.D., University of Maryland, College Park

Rana DellaRocco (2019)

Adjunct Instructor, Forensic Science

B.S., University of Maryland, Baltimore County

M.S., University of Florida

David Deluliis (2021)

Adjunct Professor, Business Communication

B.A., M.A., Pennsylvania State University

Ph.D., Duquesne University

Jared Denhard (2001)

Adjunct Instructor, Music

B.M., Peabody Conservatory of Music, Johns Hopkins University

Stuart Denrich (2019)

Adjunct Instructor, Information Systems

B.A., University of Maryland, Baltimore County

M.S., University of Maryland, Global University

Justin DePrima (2021)

Adjunct Instructor, English

B.A., McDaniel College

M.S., Towson University

Rebecca A. Diaz, RN (2002)

Adjunct Professor, Nursing

B.S., Villa Julie College

M.S.N., Drexel University

Rachel Celia Didovicher (2015)

Adjunct Professor, English

B.A., M.A., Case Western Reserve University

MFA, University of Baltimore

Catherine Dietz (2013)

Education Supervisor I

B.S., Towson University

Emily Dillon (2021)

Adjunct Professor, English

B.S., M.Ed., University of Maryland

MFA, Fairfield University

Victoria J. Doby, CPA (1995) 

Program Coordinator, Accounting and Professor, Accounting

B.A., MBA, Loyola College in Maryland

D.B.A., George Washington University

Ian Dombrowski (2021)

Adjunct Professor, Criminal Justice

B.A., College of the Holy Cross

J.D., University of Baltimore

Patrick Donohue (2016)

Adjunct Instructor, Religion

B.S., Lancaster Bible College

M.A., Reformed Theological Seminary

Daniel Dregier, Jr. (2010)

Adjunct Professor, Business Administration and Law

B.A., Loyola University Maryland

J.D., University of Baltimore, School of Law

David C. Drewer (1996)

Adjunct Professor, Physics

B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University

Jeffrey F. Dudley (2005)

Adjunct Instructor, Marketing

B.S., Towson University

M.S., McDaniel College

Rebecca Dufendach (2021)

Adjunct Professor, History

B.A., M.A., Northeastern University

Ph.D., University of California, Los Angelos

Hilda Dunkwu (2014)

Adjunct Professor, Legal Studies

L.L.B., University of Benin, Nigeria

L.L.M., University of San Diego

Ph.D., Nova Southeastern University

Meredith C. Durmowicz (2002)

Dean, Beverly K. Fine School of the Sciences; Professor, Biological Sciences

Interim Dean, Sandra R. Berman School of Health Professions

Vice Provost for Sponsored Programs and Research

B.S., Marquette University

Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University

Timothy M. Dwyer (2006)

Professor, Chemistry

B.S., Regis College

Ph.D., Dartmouth College

Shannon Dyson (2014)

Adjunct Instructor, Graphic Design

B.S., Stevenson University

M.A., University of Baltimore

Helaina Ebling (2011)

Adjunct Professor, Counseling & Human Services and Supervisor II

A.A., Villa Julie College

B.A., Towson University

M.S., University of Maryland Baltimore County

Candice Edwards (2015)

Adjunct Instructor, Counseling & Human Services and Supervisor I

B.S., Stevenson University

M.P.A., University of Baltimore

Jeffrey D. Elliott (2001)

Chair, Psychology and Professor, Psychology

B.A., M.A., Salisbury State University

Ph.D., University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Robert A. Ellis (2006)

Adjunct Professor, Business Communication

B.A., Towson University

M.A., University of Baltimore

Steven R. Engorn (1989)

Chair, Information Systems, Graduate Program Director and Program Coordinator, SUO and Assistant Professor, Information Systems
Geckle Distinguished Professor

A.A., Catonsville Community College
B.S., American University
MBA, Loyola College in Maryland

Roxanne Epps (2011)

Adjunct Professor, Counseling & Human Services

B.A., Morgan State University

M.S.W., Howard University

Christopher William Ernst (2015)

Associate Professor, Film and Moving Image

B.A., Hampshire College

MFA, University at Buffalo

Ali Eskandarian (2020)

Dean, Stevenson University Online and Associate Professor, Communications

B.S., Ph.D., George Washington University

Shannon Familetti (2014)

Adjunct Instructor, Chemistry

B.A., College of the Holy Cross

M.A., University of Virginia

Judith A. Feustle, RN (1991)

Associate Dean, Nursing

B.S.N., M.S., University of Maryland, Baltimore

M.Ed., Sc.D., Johns Hopkins University

Dina Fiasconaro (2010)

Professor, Film and Moving Image

B.S., Syracuse University

MFA, Columbia University

Elizabeth Fields (2016)

Librarian, Research & Instruction

B.A., Goucher College

M.L.S., University of Pittsburgh

Mayaugust P. Finkenberg (2005)

Associate Professor, Counseling & Human Services
B.A., Syracuse University
M.S.W., University of Maryland, Baltimore
Ed.D., Nova Southeastern University

Brian Fitzsimmons (2021)

Adjunct Instructor, Business Administration

B.S., Towson University

MBA, Hood College

Arlene K. Fleischmann (2010)

Adjunct Professor, English

B.A., University of Maryland, College Park

M.Ed., McDaniel College

William E. Folson (2006)

Adjunct Instructor, Forensic Studies

A.A.S., Community College of the Air Force

B.S., M.S., University of Maryland University College

Nick Franck (2018)

Adjunct Instructor, Marching Band

B.S.,Towson University

Janel Frazier (2019)

Adjunct Instructor, Education

B.S., Stevenson University

M.A., National University

Ora Freedman (2001)

Professor, Economics

B.A., M.A., Ph.D., State University of New York, Binghamton

Jennifer Fritzges (2021)

Adjunct Professor, Graduate Nursing

B.S., Mercer University

M.S., Benedictine University

D.N.P., Duquesne University

Clotile S. Galbraith (2002)

Professor, Education

B.S., Pennsylvania State University, University Park

Ed.M., Ed.D., Temple University

Elise Gallagher (2018)

Adjunct Professor, English

B.S.,Washington College

MFA,University of Baltimore

Philip J.B. Gallagher (2007) 

Adjunct Professor, Mathematics 

B.A., M.A., Christ's College, University of Cambridge

Beverly J. Gandolfo (2017)

Choral Director and Adjunct Instructor, Music

B.A., McDaniel College

Susan Garfinkel (2014) 

Education Supervisor I

B.A., University of Pittsburgh

MEd, Loyola University of Maryland

James H. Gibson (2006) 

Adjunct Professor, Information Systems 

B.S., Valley Forge Christian College

M.S., Towson University

John Gilden (2021)

Adjunct Instructor, Business Communication

B.A., Washington College

Megan Gitterman (2019)

Adjunct Instructor, Master's in Teaching

B.B.A., Hofstra University

M.A., University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Rivka L. Glaser (2006)

Associate Professor, Biological Sciences and Director, Honors Program

B.A., Goucher College

Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University

Sara Godbee (2008)

Librarian, Instruction & Learning Services 

and Adjunct Instructor, Information Systems

B.S., University of South Carolina

B.A., College of Charleston

M.L.S., University of Maryland, College Park

Michael Gordon (2011)

Adjunct Professor, Criminal Justice

B.S., Northeastern University

M.S., Shippensburg University

D.P.A., University of Baltimore

Susan T. Gorman (1991)

Executive Vice President Academic Affairs, Provost and Professor, Biological Sciences

B.A., Kenyon College

Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University

Katherine Greco (2011)

Adjunct Instructor, Marching Band

Morris Greenberg (2010)

Adjunct Instructor, Criminal Justice

B.S., M.S., Johns Hopkins University

Deric M. Greene (2004)

Professor, Business Communication

B.S., James Madison University

M.A., Norfolk State University

Ph.D., Howard University

Mary Greenwalt (2015)

Education Supervisor I

B.A., University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Paul A. Griffey, MT(ASCP) (2001)

Adjunct Professor, Medical Laboratory Science

B.S., University of Maryland, Baltimore

MBA, Loyola College in Maryland

Vivi-Anne Griffey, MLS(ASCP) (1981)

Adjunct Professor, Medical Laboratory Science

B.S., University of Maryland, Baltimore

M.S., Thomas Jefferson University

John Grimes (2013)

Adjunct Instructor, Forensic Studies

A.A., Essex Community College

B.A., Notre Dame of Maryland University

M.S., Stevenson University

Paul Grimm (2012)

Adjunct Professor, Biological Sciences

B.S., Ph.D., University of Nebraska Medical Center

David Grow (2019)

Adjunct Professor, Psychology 

B.S., University of Maryland Global Campus

Ph.D., Argosy University 

Lynn Habicht (2021)

Adjunct Instructor, Mathematics

B.A., M.S., McDaniel College

Kathryn E. Hall (2008)

Adjunct Instructor, History

B.S., Frostburg State University

M.A., James Madison University

Soncheray Hall (2019)

Adjunct Instructor, Counseling & Human Services

B.A., Eastern Connecticut State University

M.S.W., Morgan State University

Nora Hamilton, RN (2011)

Adjunct Instructor, Nursing

A.A.S., Illinois Valley Community College

B.S.N., Olivet Nazarene University

M.S.N., University of Phoenix

William Harrell (2015)

Associate Professor, Chemistry

B.S., Virginia Tech Center for Teacher Education

M.S., Ph.D., University of Maryland, College Park

Benjamin Harris (2009)

Adjunct Professor, Criminal Justice and Legal Studies

B.A., Johns Hopkins University

J.D., Yeshiva University

Heather E. Harris (2003)

Professor, Business Communication

B.A., Concordia University

M.A., Ph.D., Howard University

Starr I. Harris (2017)

Adjunct Professor, Film & Moving Image

B.A., St. Augustine's College

MFA, Howard University

Morgan Hassler (2012)

Adjunct Instructor, Criminal Justice

A.A., Catonsville Community College

B.S., University of Phoenix

M.S., Johns Hopkins University

Cynthia Hazman (2014)

Education Supervisor I

B.S., Ithaca College

M.A.T., Towson University

Brad Herling (2014)

Education Supervisor I

B.A., University of Massachusetts

M.Ed., Loyola University Maryland

George Hermina (2015)

Adjunct Professor, Law

A.A., Hudson Valley Community College

B.S., MBA, Russell Sage College

J.D., University of Baltimore

Gordon Hicken (2019)

Assistant Professor, Music and Assistant Director, Bands

B.M., Furman University

M.M., University of South Carolina

D.M., Florida State University

Janice Hill (2013)

Education Supervisor I

B.S., Towson University

Rodney E. Hill (2007)

Adjunct Professor, Law

B.S., University of Maryland, College Park

J.D., University of Baltimore

Christina Hipsley (2000)

Librarian, Collections Development and Electronic Resources

B.A., University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Elliot Hirshman (2017)

President and Professor, Psychology

B.A., Yale University;

M.A., Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles

Stacey Hittle, RN (2016)

Lecturer, Nursing

B.S., M.S., Stevenson University

Patricia Hodge (2021)

Adjunct Instructor, Mathematics

B.S., University of the Virgin Islands

M.S., Johns Hopkins University

William Hodge (2013)

Professor, Physics

B.S., University of North Carolina at Wilmington

Ph.D., Wake Forest University

Ann Horn (2015)

Education Supervisor II

B.A., McDaniel College

M.Ed., American College of Education

Timothy R. Holland (2002)

Lecturer, Economics

B.A., Wake Forest University

M.S., Stevenson University

MBA, Washington University in St. Louis

Alexander E. Hooke (1978)

Professor, Philosophy

B.S., Towson University

M.A., West Chester State College

Ph.D., University of Missouri

Esther D. Horrocks (1983)

Program Coordinator, Interdisciplinary Studies and Professor, Sociology and Anthropology

B.A., University of Minnesota

M.A., M.A., Ph.D., Ohio State University

Dean Horvath (2009)

Adjunct Professor, Business Administration

B.S., State University of New York

M.S., University of Maryland

M.S., Towson University

Amanda Gingery Hostalka (1998)

Dean, School of Design and Professor, Design

Vice Provost for Outreach

B.F.A., Maryland Institute College of Art

M.A., MFA, University of Baltimore

Dixie Hoyle (2021)

Adjunct Instructor, Biology

B.S., Stevenson University

M.S., Johns Hopkins University

Richard Huberfeld (2011)

Lecturer, Criminal Justice

B.A., M.A., Brooklyn College

Sasha Hudson (2019)

Adjunct Instructor, Accounting

B.S., Morgan State University

M.S., MBA, University of Maryland, Global Campus

Sughra Husain (2021)

Adjunct Professor, Psychology

B.A., University of Lucknow

BSEd., M.Phil., Ph.D., Aligarh Muslim University

Christopher Hutchinson (2021)

Adjunct Professor, Art

B.A., University of Alabama, Huntsville

MFA, Savannah College of Art and Design

Virginia N. Iannone (2002)

Professor, Psychology

Faculty Teaching Fellow

B.S., University of Scranton

M.A., Ph.D., Catholic University of America

Ikenna Ikpeama (2019)

Adjunct Instructor, Forensic Science

B.S., Delaware State University

M.F.S, Stevenson University

Paul Insley (2010)

Adjunct Instructor, Information Systems 

B.S., M.S., Stevenson University

Michelle Ivey (2013)

Professor, Chemistry

B.S., Harvey Mudd College

M.S., Ph.D., University of California, Irvine

Asad Jabbar (2021)

Adjunct Instructor, Business Administration

B.A. Loyola University Maryland

M.S., Georgetown University

MBA, University of Maryland

Robert A. Jackson (2017)

Adjunct Instructor, Graduate Education

B.S. and M.S., Stevenson University

D'Andrea Jacobs (2014)

Adjunct Professor, Graduate Education

B.A., University of California, Los Angeles

M.A., Ph.D., Michigan State University

Helena Jenkins RN (2019) 

Lecturer, Nursing

B.S., Hunter College

M.S., University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Carolyn H. Johnson, Esq. (1998)

Graduate Program Director, Forensic Studies and Program Coordinator, SUO and Professor, Forensic Studies

B.A., Dickinson College

J.D., University of Maryland, Baltimore

Edwin Johnson (2021)

Adjunct Professor, History

B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Morgan State University

Jody Johnson (2016)

Adjunct Professor, Physics

B.A., Dickinson College

M.S., University of Maryland

Ph.D., University of Maryland, Baltimore

Kabrina Johnson (2021)

Adjunct Professor, Graduate Nursing

B.S., M.S., York College of Pennsylvania

M.S., Morgan State

D.N.P., University of Maryland, Baltimore

Keith Johnson (2012)

Professor, Biological Sciences

B.S., Central College

Ph.D., Texas A & M University

Mirma Johnson-Majors (2019)

Adjunct Professor, History

B.S., Howard University

M.S., Bank Street College of Education

Ed.D, Morgan State University

Glenn Johnston (2007)

Program Coordinator, Humanities and History and Assistant Professor, History, and Archivist

B.A., St. Lawrence University

M.A., State University of New York, Buffalo

M.Ed., Niagara University

Ph.D., University of North Texas

Eric Jorgensen (2010)

Adjunct Professor, Philosophy

B.S., University of Idaho

M.D.I., Nazarene Theological Seminary

Sandeep Joshi (2021)

Adjunct Professor, Biology

B.S., Bombay Veterinary College

M.S., Chandra Shekhar Azad University

M.S., Ph.D., Marshall University

Christopher Justice (2019)

Adjunct Professor, Business Communication

A.A., Middlesex County College

B.A., Rutgers University New Brunswick

M.A., Loyola University Maryland

Ph.D., University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Geetha Kada, RN (2013)

Adjunct Professor, Nursing

B.S., M.S.N., Omayal Achi College of Nursing

M.A., University of Chennai, India

Ph.D., Capella University

Deborah Kai Kai (2011)

Adjunct Instructor, Criminal Psychology

B.A., University of Virginia

M.S., Florida State University

Alexandra Katzoff (2013)

Adjunct Instructor, Marching Band

B.A., University of Maryland, College Park

Anna B. Kayes (2006)

Professor, Management

B.A., Catawba College

M.A., Ed.D..,George Washington University

Lee Kennedy (2021)

Adjunct Instructor, History

B.S., Washington & Lee University

M.A., Loyola University Maryland

Gregory T. Keplinger (2006) 

Professor, Film and Moving Image

A.A., Montgomery College

B.S., Towson University

MFA, American University

Pamela Kessler (2005)

Adjunct Professor, Legal Studies

B.A., University of Maryland, College Park

J.D., University of Baltimore

Ernest C. Kiehne (2017)

Adjunct Instructor, English

B.A., Vassar College

M.A., City College of New York

Diane Kilcoyne (2018)

Adjunct Professor, Law

B.A., University of Virginia

J.D., University of California, Davis

Wendy L. Kimber-Louis (2005)

Chair, Biological Science and Professor, Biological Sciences

B.S., Wolverhampton Polytechnic

Ph.D., Edinburgh University

Deborah E. King, RN (2009)

Adjunct Professor, Nursing

B.S.N., City University of New York

M.S., M.A., Ph.D., University of Maryland

Ashley Anne Kniss (2015)

Senior Lecturer, English

B.A., Eastern Mennonite University

M.A., Ph.D., Catholic University of America

Jason Knowles (2021)

Adjunct Instructor, English

B.A., Univerity of Maryland Baltimore County

M.A., University of Arizona

Courtney Koerber (2019)

Adjunct Instructor, Education

B.S., Stevenson University

M.S., McDaniel College

Beth M. Kobett (1998)

Department Chair, Education; Professor, Education and Faculty Director, First Year Seminar

Faculty Teaching Fellow

B.S., University of Missouri

M.S., Johns Hopkins University

Ed.D., Johns Hopkins University

Jason Kolowski (2012)

Adjunct Professor, Forensic Sciences

B.A., Cornell College

M.S., John Jay College of Criminal Justice

M.P.H., Ph.D., City University of New York

William Branson Hay Kommalan (2018)

Adjunct Instructor, Fashion Design and Merchandising

B.A., Rhode Island School of Design

Don Koonce, Sr. (2012)

Adjunct Instructor, Information Systems

B.F.A., Temple University

MBA, Strayer University, Washington

Caleb Kortokrax (2014)

Adjunct Professor, Art

B.F.A., Valparaiso University

MFA, Maryland Institute College of Art

Lee Krähenbühl (2018)

Interim Dean and Associate Professor, Communication

B.A., Linfield College

M.A., Pacific School of Religion

Ph.D., University of Oregon

Genna Kranitz (2018)

Human Services Supervisor

B.S., Towson University

M.S., University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Stephanie Kratzen, RN (2015)

Adjunct Professor, Nursing

B.S.N., Towson University

M.S., D.N.P., University of Maryland, Baltimore

James Kucher (2014)

Adjunct Professor, Business Administration

B.A.; Keen University

MBA, D.P.A.; University of Baltimore

Lorie E. Lana (1996)

Professor, Biological Sciences

B.S., M.S., Ph.D., University of Maryland, College Park

Jennifer S. Landon (2006)

Adjunct Instructor, English

B.A., Coppin State University

M.A., University of Maryland, College Park

Romas Laskauskas (2001)

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Management

B.S., Mount Saint Mary's College

MBA, Virginia Commonwealth University

Mary Laurents (2014)

Adjunct Instructor, History

B.S., M.A., University of Maryland, Baltimore County

George E. Lauterbach (2003)

Adjunct Professor, Chemistry

B.S., University of Maryland, College Park

M.A., Johns Hopkins University

D.D.S., University of Maryland, Baltimore

Sonya A. Lawyer (2017) 

Assistant Professor, Design and Internship Director

B.S., Howard University

MFA, University of Florida

George Leary (2014)

Adjunct Professor, Psychology 

A.A., Community College of Baltimore County

B.S., George Washington University

M.S., Pennsylvania State University

Ph.D., University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Deborah J. Leather (2009)

Adjunct Professor, Management

A.B., College of St. Elizabeth

M.L.S., University of Hawaii

MBA, Marymount College of Virginia

D.B.A., George Washington University

Sean Leavy (2018)

Adjunct Instructor, Mathematics 

B.S., University of Maryland, Baltimore County

M.A.T., University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Anne Lefter (2016)

Adjunct Professor, Theatre

B.A., University of Minnesota

M.A., Ph.D., Cornell University

Michele Lenhart (2019)

Adjunct Instructor, SUO

B.S., M.S.E., State University of New York Geneseo

M.S., Buffalo State College

Thomas Lentz, Jr. (2008)

Adjunct Professor, Information Systems

B.S., M.S., Stevenson University

MBA, University of Baltimore

Holly Lentz-Schiller (2012)

Associate Professor, Fashion Merchandising

B.A., M.A., University of North Carolina at Wilmington

Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Ryan Lessans (2021)

Adjunct Instructor, Business Administration

B.S., Ohio State University

MBA, Purdue University

Loryn S. Lesser (2004)

Adjunct Professor, Counseling & Human Services and Psychology

B.A., College of Staten Island, City University of New York

M.A., Montclair State University

M.S., Towson University

Ph.D., Walden University

Martin Lev (2019)

Adjunct Professor, Business Administration 

B.S., Towson University

MBA, University of Baltimore

D.B.A., Argosy University 

Barry Levine (2012)

Adjunct Professor, Forensic Sciences

B.S., Loyola University Maryland

Ph.D., Virginia Commonwealth University

Kenneth Levine (2011)

Adjunct Professor, Mathematics

B.A., University of Maryland, Baltimore County

M.Ed., Johns Hopkins University

Jane Lewty (2017)

Adjunct Professor, English

B.A., Ph.D., University of Glasgow

MFA, University of Iowa

Jerome D. Lindauer (2005)

Adjunct Instructor, Business Administration

B.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

MBA, Loyola College in Maryland

Irvin B. Litofsky (2005)

Adjunct Professor, Forensic Sciences

B.A., Johns Hopkins University

M.S.F.S., George Washington University

Lisa Lorden, RN (2010)

Assistant Professor, Nursing

B.S., Stevenson University

M.S., ACNP, University of Maryland, Baltimore

Mark Lortz (2011)

Director, Music and Associate Professor, Music

B.A., M.M., M.M., Peabody Conservatory of Music, Johns Hopkins University

Ph.D., Temple University

Sandra Lucci, RN (2008)

Adjunct Professor, Nursing

B.S., Rutgers-Newark State University

M.S., University of Maryland, Baltimore

Ph.D., Capella University

Barbara Lutz (2012)

Adjunct Instructor, Education and Education Supervisor I

B.S., Bowie State University

M.S., McDaniel College

Robyn Lyles (2011)

Adjunct Professor, Criminal Justice

B.S., University of Missouri, St. Louis

M.S., University of Baltimore

Kimberly Lynne (2021)

Adjunct Professor, English

B.A., Loyola University Maryland

MFA, University of Baltimore

Michael A. MacFee (2017)

Adjunct Instructor, Business Communication

B.S., M.S., Stevenson University

Shradha Maheshwari (2013)

Lecturer, Mathematics 

B.Com., Shri Shikshayatan College

B.S., MBA, Wilmington College

Barry Malin, CPA (1983)

Adjunct Professor, Accounting

B.A., Ner Israel Rabbinical College

B.A., Loyola University Maryland

John Mancini (2021)

Adjunct Professor, English

B.F.A., Rhode Island School of Design

M.A., University of Southern Mississippi

MFA, San Francisco State University

Sandy Marinaro (2000)

Librarian, Discovery & Public Service

B.A., M.L.S., University of Illinois

James Marmer (2019)

Adjunct Instructor, Business Administration 

B.A., California State University of Los Angeles

M.P.A., University of Southern California 

Nicholas Marrocco (2004)

Adjunct Instructor, Forensic Studies

B.A., M.S., Loyola University Maryland

Olivia Leigh Martin (2019)

Adjunct Professor, Art

B.A., Dartmouth College;

MFA, Southern Methodist University 

Meggen Marx (2009)

Associate Professor, Art

B.F.A., University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire

MFA, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Tracey M. Mason (2008)

Graduate Program Director, Forensic Science and Professor, Chemistry

B.S., Longwood College

Ph.D., Virginia Commonwealth University

Joseph "Joe" C. Matanoski (2006)

Professor, Biological Sciences

B.S., University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Ph.D., University of Maryland, College Park

Leah Matthews (2014)

Adjunct Professor, Art

B.A., Elon University

MFA, University of Baltimore

Colin May (2010)

Adjunct Professor, Criminal Justice, Forensic Science, and Forensic Studies

B.S., Siena College

M.S., Stevenson University

Selena Maytum (2014)

Adjunct Professor, Art

B.M.; Furman University

M.M.; Indiana University

D.M.A., University of Colorado

Deirdre C. McAllister (2017)

Adjunct Professor, Theatre

B.A., Suffolk University

MFA, Towson University

Theodore McCadden (2019)

Adjunct Professor, Counseling & Human Services

B.A., M.A., Towson University

Ed.D., Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg

Clint McCallum (2018)

Adjunct Professor, English

B.M., Oberlin College

M.A., Ph.D., University of California, San Diego 

Gian McCann (2018)

Adjunct Instructor, English

B.A., M.A., University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Christina McComb (2021)

Adjunct Instructor, English

B.A., George Washington University

M.A., St. John's College of Maryland

Ja'Ara McCoy (2021)

Adjunct Instructor, Counseling & Human Services

B.S., Stevenson University

M.A., University of Baltimore

Patrick McDowell (2011)

Adjunct Instructor, Criminal Justice

B.S., M.S., Johns Hopkins University

Melanie McEntee (2012)

Adjunct Professor, Psychology

B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Loyola University Maryland

Marie Christine McGrath (2020)

Graduate Program Director, Doctor of Clinical Psychology (Psy.D.) and Professor, Psychology

B.A., Villanova

M.Ed., Ph.D., Temple University

Joseph G. McGraw, Jr. (1998)

Adjunct Professor, History

B.A., M.A., University of Virginia

J.D., University of Baltimore

Ronald McGuire (2013)

Adjunct Instructor, Cyber Forensics

B.S., Western Carolina University

M.S., University of Maryland Global Campus

Cornelia H. McKenna (2015)

Adjunct Professor, Mathematics

B.A., Bryn Mawr College

MBA, University of Baltimore

Rebecca McPherson (2019)

Adjunct Professor, Biology

B.S., Kansas State University

M.S., Texas Tech University

Ph.D., University of the Sciences in Philadelphia

John McQuitty (2016)

Adjunct Professor, Religion

B.A., Oklahoma Baptist University

M.A., M.Div., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

M.A., Syracuse University

Ph.D., Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary

Susan Medghalchi (2011)

Adjunct Professor, Biological Sciences

B.S., State University of New York, Buffalo

Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University

Jason Medinger (2011)

Adjunct Professor, Forensic Studies and Legal Studies

B.A., University of Notre Dame

J.D., Emory University

Christopher James Metzger (2015)

Associate Professor, Art and Graphic Design

B.A., Lafayette College

MFA, M.A., Maryland Institute College of Art

Richard Metzger (2013)

Senior Lecturer, Psychology

B.S., Muskingum University

M.S., Ph.D., University of North Dakota

Hillary J. Michaud (2004)

Chair, Law and Justice Studies and Professor, Law

B.S., Miami University of Ohio

J.D., University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

Doshelle Miller (2019)

Adjunct Instructor, Forensic Science

B.S., Virginia State University

M.S., George Mason University 

Kari-Ann Miller (2018)

Adjunct Instructor, Art

B.F.A., Baylor University

Kendra Miller (2021)

Adjunct Instructor, Arts

B.A., Northwestern University

M.A., School of the Art Institute of Chicago

Neal Miller (2013)

Associate Professor, Physics

A.B., Princeton University

M.S., University of Pennsylvania

M.S., Ph.D., New Mexico State University

Rose Miller, RN (2007)

Adjunct Professor, Nursing

A.A., George C. Wallace State Community College;

B.S., Troy State University

M.P.A., Auburn University

MSN, University of Alabama

Victoria Miller (2021)

Associate Professor, Business

B.A., Iowa State University

MBA, Morgan State University

Ph.D., Georgia State University

Kathy Milligan (2003)

Education Supervisor II

B.S., Frostburg University

M.A., University of Maryland

Pamula Mills (2021)

Adjunct Professor, Psychology

B.S., M.S., Barry University

William Mills (2019)

Adjunct Instructor, Chemistry 

B.S., University of Virginia 

Phyllis Evelyn Mills-Greene (2015) 

Adjunct Instructor, Criminal Justice

A.A., Community College of Baltimore County

B.S., M.S., University of Baltimore

James Von Minor (2000)

Adjunct Professor, Art

B.F.A., Colorado State University

MFA, Pennsylvania State University, University Park

Christine A. Mister-Ward, RN (2017)

Adjunct Instructor, Nursing

B.S., Coppin State University

M.S., Morgan State University

Meghan E. Mitchell (2017)

Adjunct Instructor, Biological Sciences

B.S., Cornell University

M.P.H., Columbia University in the City

Rajeswari Mohan (2021)

Adjunct Instructor, English

B.A., M.A., University of Calcutta

M.A., Cleveland State University

Diana Molavi (2014)

Adjunct Professor, Medical Laboratory Science

B.S., Pennsylvania State University

M.D., Washington University

Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University

Anthony Moll (2010)

Adjunct Professor, Communication and English

B.A., University of Maryland Global Campus

MFA, University of Baltimore

Anthony Montcalmo (2010)

Adjunct Professor, Business Administration

B.A., University of Delaware

MBA, University of Maryland, College Park

Laurel Moody, RN (2012)

Assistant Professor, Nursing

B.S.N., University of Maryland

M.S., Stevenson University

M.S., University of Maryland University College

George M. Moore (2006)

Chair, Art & Graphic Design and Professor, Art & Graphic Design

B.A., Hampshire College

MFA, Maryland Institute College of Art

Mary Moorhouse, MLS, SBB(ASCP) (2013) 

Adjunct Instructor, Medical Laboratory Science

B.S., Stevenson University

M.S. Rush University

Christine Moran (2014) 

Dean, School of Education and Professor, Education

Vice Provost for Student Success

B.A., M.A., LaSalle University

Ph.D., Temple University

Jeannine Morber (2016)

Lecturer, Marketing and Internship Coordinator

A.A., Carroll Community College

B.S., MBA, Hood College

Stacey Moreau (2018)

Adjunct Professor, Psychology

B.S., James Madison University

M.A., Ph.D., University of Virginia

Amber Moser, MLS(ASCP) (2018)

Adjunct Instructor, Medical Laboratory Science 

B.S., Stevenson University

Lisa A. Moyer (2017)

Graduate Program Director, Education and Program Coordinator, SUO and Assistant Professor, Education 

A.A., Germanna Community College

B.A. and M.Ed., University of Mary Washington

Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Steven Mrozinski (2009)

Instructor, Biological Sciences

B.S., M.S., Stevenson University

Eric Muhati (2021)

Lecturer, Cybersecurity & Digital Forensics

B.S., M.S., Strathmore University

M.S., Georgetown University

Ph.D., Howard University

Sam Mullinix (2021)

Adjunct Instructor, Information Systems

B.S., M.S., Stevenson University

David Murphy (2019)

Adjunct Professor, Business Administration

A.A.S., Community College of the Air Force

B.A., University of Maryland Global Campus

M.L.A., Johns Hopkins University

Ph.D., Northcentral University 

Kathryn Mychailyszyn (2014)

Adjunct Professor, Graphic Design

B.A., Loyola University Maryland

MFA, University of Baltimore

Brandon Myers (2019)

Adjunct Instructor, Mathematics

B.S., Grand Canyon University

M.S., Towson University 

Sara Narayan (1992)

Professor, Chemistry

B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

Michelle Natale (2021)

Adjunct Instructor, Politicial Science

B.A., La Salle University

M.A., Villanova University

Elizabeth Nelson (2021)

Adjunct Instructor, Literacy Education

B.A., Elon University

M.Ed., Vanderbilt University

Ashley Nelson-Raut (2021)
Adjunct Professor, Law
B.S., Stevenson University
J.D., University of Baltimore

Danielle Newill (2012)

Adjunct Professor, Education and Education Supervisor I

B.S., Stevenson University

M.S., McDaniel College

David W. Nicholson (2006)

Professor, Education

B.A., James Madison University

M.A., M.Ed., Ohio University

Ph.D., University of Virginia

Lea Nolan (2012)

Adjunct Instructor, Healthcare Management

A.B., Georgetown University

M.A., George Washington University

Mark Norris (2013)

Professor, Biological Sciences

B.S., Allegheny College

M.S., Kansas State University

Ph.D., University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

Meagan Nyland (2010)

Senior Lecturer, English

B.S., B.A., Southern Illinois University

MFA, University of Baltimore

Samuel Obae (2013)

Associate Professor, Biological Sciences

B.S., University of Nairobi, Kenya

M.S., Frostburg State University

Ph.D., West Virginia University

Sandra A. O'Connor (1986)

Adjunct Professor, Law

B.S., J.D., Indiana State University

Steven O'Dell (2014)

Adjunct Professor, Forensic Sciences

M.S., University of Alabama at Birmingham

MBA, University of Phoenix

John J. O'Neill (1976)

Adjunct Professor, Information Systems

B.S., MBA, Loyola College in Maryland

M.S., Villa Julie College

Stephen W. Oliner (2004)

Adjunct Instructor, Forensic Studies

B.S., University of Maryland, College Park

Don Osborn (2016)

Librarian, Public Service

B.S., Frostburg State University

M.S., Drexel University

Alexandra Palmer (2018)

Adjunct Instructor, Marching Band

B.S., University of Maryland, College Park

Lisa Paris, RN (2013)

Adjunct Professor, Nursing

B.S.N., University of Maryland, Baltimore County

M.A., Hood College

D.N.P., Johns Hopkins University

Tamara Parisi, MLS(ASCP) (2014)

Adjunct Instructor, Medical Laboratory Science

B.S., Salisbury University

Harlan Parker (2017)

Orchestra Conductor and Adjunct Professor, Music

B.A., Emporia State University

M.A., Ph.D., University of Kansas

Amy Parlette (2017)

Adjunct Professor, Graduate Education

B.S., University of Maryland

M.S., Johns Hopkins University

Ph.D., Capella University

Bernadette Parrish (2015)

Senior Specialist, Student Records and Assistant Professor, English

B.A., Dickinson College

M.A., Johns Hopkins University

David E. Patrick (2004)

Adjunct Instructor, Information Systems

B.S.E., Loyola College in Maryland

M.S., Towson University

Sheila S. Pearlman (2010)

Adjunct Professor, Mathematics

B.S., Temple University

M.A., CAGS, University of Pennsylvania

Ph.D., University of Rochester

Robert P. Pelton (2000)

Professor, Education

B.S., M.S., State University of New York, Cortland

Ed.D., Nova Southeastern University

Bernard Penner (2009)

Adjunct Professor, Law

B.A., University of Maryland, Baltimore County

M.A., Towson University

J.D., University of Maryland School of Law

Laura Petri, RN (2019)

Graduate Program Director and Chair, Undergraduate Nursing and Assistant Professor, Nursing

B.S.N., Towson University

M.S.N., University of Massachusetts Boston

Ph.D., University of Maryland at Baltimore 

Darren Peyton (2019)

Adjunct Instructor, Business Administration

B.S., Towson University

M.S., Aalborg University

Monika Piccardi (2021)

Adjunct Instructor, Healthcare Management

B.S., University of Maryland, Baltimore

M.S., Stevenson University

Lucy Pierre (2019)

Adjunct Professor, Biology and Medical Laboratory Science 

B.S., York College of New York

MBA, Florida Institute of Technology

D.H.S., Nova Southeastern University 

Adam Pincus (2021)

Adjunct Professor, Legal Studies

B.A., University of Pittsburgh

J.D., Nova Southeastern University

Dixie Poe, RN (2008) 

Adjunct Professor, Nursing 

B.S.N., Medical College of Georgia

M.S.N., Bowie State University

M.G.A., University of Maryland University College

Morris A. Pondfield (2001)

Adjunct Professor, Information Systems

B.A., University of Maryland, College Park

M.I.M., American Graduate School of International Management

M.S., University of Maryland University College

Laura M. Pope (2008)

Adjunct Professor, English

B.A., Goucher College

M.A., St. Mary's University

Gary Popoli (2010)

Adjunct Professor, Psychology

B.A., M.A., Loyola University Maryland

Ph.D., University of Maryland, College Park

Larry Poston (2018)

Adjunct Professor, Religion

B.A., Grace University

M.A., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

M.A., Ph.D., Northwestern University

Veronica Powell (2011)

Adjunct Professor, Psychology and Sociology

B.S., University of Central Texas

M.A., University of Maryland, College Park

Ph.D., Capella University

David Preston (2014)

Adjunct Professor, Mathematics

B.S., Clarion State College

M.S., Ohio University

M.S., Ph.D., University of Maryland, College Park

Colleen A. Pullis (2007)

Adjunct Professor, English

B.A., Colgate University

M.A., Binghamton University

Ph.D., University of Georgia

George "Tim" Puls (2010)

Assistant Coach, Men's Lacrosse and Adjunct Instructor, Physical Education

B.A., University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Shelley Pumphrey (2012)

Senior Lecturer, Business Administration

B.A., University of Maryland

M.A.S., Johns Hopkins University

Ph.D., North Central University

Tonia M. Ramsel (2010)

Adjunct Instructor, Information Systems

B.S., M.S., Stevenson University

Christopher Llewellyn Reed (2006)

Chair, Film and Moving Image and Professor, Film and Moving Image

B.A., Harvard University

M.A., Yale University

MFA, Tisch School of the Arts, New York University

David Reed (2019)

Adjunct Instructor, Information Systems

B.S., B.S., B.S., High Point University

MBA, Kent State University 

Milland Reed (2015)

Adjunct Instructor, Criminal Justice

B.S., University of Maryland, University College, Asia

M.S., Johns Hopkins University

Aleyna Rentz (2021)

Adjunct Professor, English

B.S., Georgia Southern University

MFA, Johns Hopkins University

Christin Reuter, M.S., MB, MLS (ASCP) (2018)

Adjunct Instructor, Medical Laboratory Science; 

B.S., Stevenson University 

M.S. Rutgers University

Kelsie Rites (2019)

Adjunct Instructor, Education

B.S., Stevenson University

M.S., Towson University

Samantha Roche (2021)

Adjunct Instructor, Psychology

A.A., Community College of Baltimore County

B.S., Towson University

M.S., Lynn University

Maureen Roecker, RN (2015)

Adjunct Instructor, Nursing

B.A., B.S.N., Notre Dame of Maryland University

M.S., Stevenson University

Joseph Rosalski (2011)

Adjunct Instructor, History

B.A., University of Baltimore

M.A., University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Mindy Rosen (2015)

Education Supervisor I

B.S., University of Maryland, College Park

M.S., Johns Hopkins University

Cynthia Rosenberg (2015)

Adjunct Professor, Legal Studies

A.A., Community College of Baltimore

B.A., M.A., J.D., University of Baltimore

John Rosicky (2012)

Chair, Counseling & and Human Services and Professor, Counseling & Human Services

B.S., Brown University

Ph.D., University of Oregon

Ellen M. Roskes (1996)

Associate Dean, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics and Professor, Chemistry

B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University

Neil Rothman (2019)

Program Coordinator, Biomedical Engineering and Professor, Biomedical Engineering

B.S., M.S., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University 

Timothy Rualo (2021)

Adjunct Instructor, Master's in Teaching

B.S., Loloa University Maryland

M.S., Johns Hopkins University

Lori L. Rubeling (1997)

Professor, Art and Graphic Design

B.F.A., Corcoran School of Art

M.A., St. John's College

Laurie Rubin (2013)

Adjunct Professor, Forensic Studies

B.S., Towson University

M.S., Stevenson University

Keith S. Safford (2007) 

Adjunct Instructor, Information Systems

B.S., University of Kansas, Lawrence

M.E.S., Loyola College in Maryland

Monibo Sam (2010) 

Professor, Sociology

B.Sc., M.Sc., University of Port Harcourt

Ph.D., University of Connecticut

Alejandro Sanchez Aizcorbe Carranza (2019)

Adjunct Professor, Spanish

B.H., Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande Do Sul

M.A., University of Kentucky: Lexington

Patrick Sanderson (2019)

Adjunct Professor, Business Administration

A.A; Iowa Western Community College

B.A., Northwest Missouri State University

M.A., M.S., Central Michigan University

Ph.D., Regent University

James Sanford (2011)

Adjunct Instructor, Business and Technology Management

A.A.S., York College

B.S., Albright College

M.S., Stevenson University

Sidas A. Saulynas (1994)

Associate Professor, Information Systems

B.A., Dickinson College

B.S., Stevenson University

M.S., University of Baltimore

Ph.D., University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Nick Sbrockey (2018)

Adjunct Instructor, Chemistry

B.S., University of Cincinnati

Ph.D., Northwestern University

Lisa Scarbath (2009)

Adjunct Professor, Law

B.A., University of Delaware

J.D., University of Baltimore

Rachel Schaaf (2021)

Adjunct Instructor, Business Administration

B.S., Towson University

M.S., Stevenson University

Howard Schindler (2012)

Adjunct Professor, Forensic Science

A.A.S., State University of New York - Cortland

B.S., State University of New York - Cortland

M.S., Johns Hopkins University

Carol Schmidhauser (1997)

Instructor, Biological Sciences

B.S., University of Rochester

M.S., Clemson University

Jennifer Schneider (2011)

Adjunct Instructor, Forensic Studies

B.S., M.S., Stevenson University

Karl Schroeder (1999)

Adjunct Instructor, Information Systems

B.S., M.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Ryan Schurtz (2011)

Professor, Psychology

B.S., M.A., Towson University

Ph.D., University of Kentucky

Charles V. Schuster (2017)

Adjunct Instructor, Mathematics

B.S., Stevenson University

M.S., Southern New Hampshire University

Stephen Schuyler (2021)

Adjunct Professor, English

B.F.A., Brooklyn College

MFA, University of Maryland

Sarena R. Schwartz (2000)

Lecturer, Information Systems

B.S., M.S., Stevenson University

Robyn Segall, RN (2019)

Adjunct Instructor, Nursing

B.S., Towson University

M.S., Stevenson University 

Reshmi Sen (2016)

Adjunct Professor, Business Communication

B.A., University of Calcutta, India

M.A., Worcester State University

Ph.D., Duquesne University

Trevor Setvin (2021)

Adjunct Instructor, Psychology

B.S., Western Oregon University

M.S., Illinois State University

M.S., University of Oregon

Angela Setzer (2014)

Visiting Senior Lecturer, Psychology

B.A., Loyola University Maryland;

M.A., Towson University;

Ph.D., American University

Ronald L. Shaffer, Jr. (2007)

Adjunct Instructor, Information Systems

B.S., Strayer University

M.S., Capitol College

Alison Shao (2010)

Adjunct Instructor, Chemistry

B.S., University of Connecticut

M.S., State University of New York, Albany

Brenda Shell-Eleazer (2011)

Adjunct Instructor, Criminal Justice

B.S., M.S., Coppin State University

Sarah Shellow (2018)

Adjunct Professor, English

B.A., University of Oregon

M.S.,Bank Street College of Education

MFA, Goddard College

Nancy P. Sherman (2005)

Adjunct Instructor, Film & Moving Image

B.A., Towson University

M.A., University of Maryland, College Park

Linda Silverman (2014)

Education Supervisor I

B.S., Towson University

M.Ed., Johns Hopkins University

Zamira Simkins (2016)

Chair, Business Administration and Professor, Business Administration

B.S., Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University

M.I.A., Missouri State University

Ph.D., American University

Joshua Simmons (2019)

Adjunct Instructor, Information Systems

B.S., M.S., Stevenson University 

Leslie Simpson (2011)

Interim Program Coordinator, Fashion Design and Associate ProfessorFashion Design

B.S., Simmons College

M.S., Philadelphia University

Ph.D., Iowa State University

Sharni Singh, M.D. (2018)

Adjunct Professor, Biology

MBBS, Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University

Vayia Skinner (2021)

Adjunct Instructor, Business Communication

A.A., Community College of Baltimore County

B.S., University of Baltimore

M.S., Stevenson University

Mary Skipper (2008)

Adjunct Instructor, English

B.S., East Carolina University

M.E.D., Goucher College

Algis Skudzinskas (2019)

Adjunct Professor, Business Administration

B.A., University of Maryland

MBA, Johns Hopkins University

Ed.D., Gwynedd Mercy University 

Mary Smikle Peoples (2019)

Adjunct Instructor, Business Administration

B.A., Canisius College

M.A., Notre Dame of Maryland University 

Caprice Monique Smith (2015)

Adjunct Instructor, Criminal Justice

B.S., Coppin State University

M.Ed., University of Maryland University College

Ciara Smith (2021)

Adjunct Instructor, Biology

B.S., Stevenson University

M.P.H., University of New England

Claude Smith (2021)

Adjunct Professor, Biology

B.S., M.S., University of Sierra Leone

M.Ed., Bowie State University

Deondra Smith (2018)

Adjunct Professor, Psychology

B.A., Albion College

M.A., Ph.D., Argosy University

Laura T. Smith (2010)

Chair, English Language and Literature and Professor, English

B.A., College of William & Mary

M.A., Ph.D. University of Texas at Austin

Kenneth L. Snyder, Jr. (1996)

Adjunct Professor, Information Systems

A.A., Catonsville Community College

B.S., Villa Julie College

M.S.E.S., Loyola College in Maryland

Laura Snyder (2008)

Professor, English

B.A., M.A., Ball State University

Ph.D., Loyola University, Chicago

Melanie K. Snyder (2000)

Professor, Law

B.A., Miami University

J.D., University of Baltimore

Becky Socha, MLS,BB(ASCP) (2016)

Adjunct Instructor, Medical Laboratory Science

B.S., Merrimack College

M.S., University of Massachusetts

Kaitlin Solomon (2019)

Adjunct Professor, Theatre

B.A., Towson University

MFA, Case Western Reserve University 

Colleen Spada (2010)

Assistant Professor, Psychology

B.S., Catholic University of America, D.C.

M.S., Psy.D., Loyola University Maryland

Kerry Lynn Spencer (2015)

Senior Lecturer, Science Writing

B.A., M.A., Brigham Young University

Ph.D., University of Wales, Bangor

Lauren Speiser (2021)

Adjunct Instructor, Education

B.S., Stevenson University

M.S., National University

Christopher Sperling (2009)

Adjunct Instructor, History

B.A., M.A., George Mason University

Heather Stackus (2021)

Adjunct Instructor, Psychology

B.S., Stevenson University

M.Ed., Loyola University

Scott Stallcup (2016)

Adjunct Instructor, Mathematics

B.S., M.S., Old Dominion University

M.S., Johns Hopkins University

Cary D. Stanger (2005)

Adjunct Professor, History

B.A., State University of New York, Fredonia

M.A., George Washington University

M.L.S., Columbia University

Dennis Starliper (2009)

Adjunct Professor, Finance

B.S., Benjamin Franklin University

MBA, Southeastern University

Michael Stavish (2018)

Adjunct Instructor, Education

B.S., Stevenson University

M.A., University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Pavle Stojanovic (2019)

Adjunct Professor, Philosophy

B.A., University of Belgrade

M.A., Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University 

Jennifer Strasbaugh (2009)

Adjunct Professor, Art

B.A., Stevenson University

M.A., Notre Dame of Maryland University

Shawn Sullivan (2014)

Adjunct Professor, Legal Studies

B.A., J.D., University of Mississippi

L.L.M., University of Cambridge

Benjamin Sutley (2013)

Adjunct Professor, History

B.A., Denison University

M.A., University of Maryland, Baltimore County

J.D., University of Baltimore

Megan Sutton (2019)

Adjunct Instructor, Business Communication

B.A., Manchester University

M.A., Purdue University Fort Wayne

Jonathan Swann (2019)

Adjunct Instructor, Education

B.S., Towson University

M.S., McDaniel College

Thomas K. Swisher (2006)

Professor, Counseling & Human Services

B.S., University of Virginia

J.D., University of Baltimore

M.S., Ph.D, Loyola University Maryland

Donna R. Swope, RN (1994)

Adjunct Professor, Nursing

B.S.N., M.S., University of Maryland, Baltimore

Daniela Syed (2014)

Adjunct Professor, Psychology

B.A., Ph.D., University of South Dakota

Nanette C. Tamer (1989)

Professor, English

B.A., Syracuse University

M.A., M.A.T., State University of New York, Binghamton

Ph.D., University of Delaware

Furkan Tari (2011)

Adjunct Instructor, Business and Technology Management

B.S., Marmara University, Turkey

M.S., University of Baltimore

William Tawes (2014)

Adjunct Instructor, Business Administration

B.S., Towson University

M.S., Stevenson University

Barry Thomas (2012)

Adjunct Instructor, Sociology and Human Services & Counseling

B.S., Towson University

M.S., Johns Hopkins University

M.Ed., Loyola University Maryland

Kathryn J. Thomas, RN (1991)

Adjunct Professor, Psychology

B.S.N., M.S., M.S., University of Maryland, Baltimore

Ph.D., Institute for the Study of Human Sexuality

Brian Thompson (2019)

Adjunct Instructor, Marching Band

B.S., Towson University

M.S., McDaniel College

William Tignanelli (2014)

Adjunct Professor, Accounting

B.S., Towson University

MBA, George Washington University

J.D., University of Maryland, Baltimore

John J. Tobin, Jr. (1994)

Associate Professor, Forensic Sciences

A.A., Harford Community College;

B.S., University of Maryland, College Park

M.S.F.S., George Washington University

Ph.D., University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Takisha Toler (2013)

Associate Professor, Marketing

B.B.A., University of Memphis

MBA, Ph.D., Saint Louis University

Christopher Toth (2016)

Adjunct Instructor, Chemistry

B.S., Stevenson University

P.A., Toledo University Graduate School of Physician Assistant

Lainie Troutman (2017)

Adjunct Instructor, Graphic Design

B.F.A., Carnegie Mellon University

Ingrid Tulloch (2012)

Adjunct Professor, Psychology

B.S., Hunter College

Ph.D., City University of New York

Harry B. Turner (1993)

Professor, Law

B.A., University of Pennsylvania

J.D., University of Maryland, Baltimore

Hailey Turney (2021)

Adjunct Instructor, English

B.S., Frostburg State University

M.S., University of Maryland Baltimore County

Maya Tyler (2017)

Adjunct Instructor, Business Communication

B.S., Stevenson University

M.S., Towson University

George K. Umanah (2017)

Adjunct Professor, Biological Sciences

B.S., University of Ghana

M.R., University of Essex, UK

Ph.D., University of Tennessee

Gerald N. Van Aken (1988)

Professor, English

B.A., Trinity College

M.A., Ph.D., University of Maryland, College Park

Dianna Vass (2021)

Adjunct Professor, Business Administration

B.S., University of Delaware

M.S., North Carolina State University

M.S., Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute

Philip van Berten (2010)

Professor, Marketing

B.A., M.S., CNAM, Paris

Ph.D., Telecom and Management Sudparis

Henderika "Rika" Van Huizen (2012)

Adjunct Professor, Biological Sciences

M.S., Wageningen Agricultural University

Ph.D., University of Alberta

Magdeleine M. Vandal (2017)

Adjunct Instructor, SUO

B.A., Mount Saint Mary's College

MFA, Trinity-Washington University

Carmen Velez, CPA (1995)

Adjunct Professor, Accounting

B.S., M.S., Villa Julie College

M.S., Johns Hopkins University

Stephanie L. Verni (2000)

Professor, Business Communication

Faculty Teaching Fellow

B.S., M.S., Towson University

MFA, National University

Kevin Vinson (2021)

Adjunct Professor, Counseling & Human Services

B.A., University of Maryland Baltimore County

M.A., Loyola University Maryland

Ph,D., University of Maryland

Elena Volkova (2014)

Associate Professor, Art

B.F.A., MFA, Maryland Institute College of Art

John Wachter (2014)

Adjunct Instructor, Forensic Studies

B.S., University of Phoenix

M.S., Stevenson University

Daniel Wagner (2011)

Adjunct Professor, Psychology

B.A., Brandeis University

M.S., Psy.D., Long Island University

Robert Wagner (2014)

Adjunct Instructor, Physical Science

B.S., Case Western Reserve University

M.S., University of Michigan

Claudia Walters (2021)

Adjunct Instructor, English

B.S., M.S., University of Maryland

Dawn Ward (2009)

Professor, Chemistry

B.A., Lincoln University

Ph.D., University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Stanley Ward (2020)

Adjunct Professor, Communication Studies

B.A., Oklahoma Baptist University

M.Div., Southwestern Baptist Seminary

Ph.D., Dallas Baptist University

Candace Waters-Woodward (2018)

Adjunct Professor, Psychology

B.S., Morgan State University

M.A., Bowie State University

Ph.D., Argosy University

Stephanie Watkins, RN (2009)

Adjunct Professor, Nursing

B.S., Stevenson University

M.S., Towson University

Lauri A. Weiner (1998)

Associate Professor, Counseling & Human Services

B.A., Dickinson College

M.A., Bowling Green State University

J.D., University of Maryland

Karen W. Welbourn (1994)

Adjunct Professor, Philosophy

B.S., Loyola College in Maryland

M.A., Oxford University

M.A., St. Mary's Seminary and University

Charisse Wernecke (2015)

Assistant Professor, Accounting

B.A., Loyola University Maryland

M.S., Johns Hopkins University

Ph.D., Morgan State University

Richard West (2009)

Adjunct Professor, Forensic Studies

B.A., Lawrence University

J.D., Northwestern University

Kevin Weston (2019)

Adjunct Instructor, Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics

B.S.,University of Phoenix

M.S., Purdue University

Alexandra Weyforth (2018)

Adjunct Instructor, Education

B.S. Stevenson University

M.A., University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Charles H. Wilbur (2006)

Adjunct Instructor, Information Systems

B.S., University of Maryland University College

Melissa Wilcox (2019)

Adjunct Instructor, Business Administration 

B.A., University of Rochester

MBA, University of Buffalo

Joyce Williams, RN (2012)

Adjunct Professor, Nursing

B.A., Antioch University

M.F.S.A., Oklahoma State University

D.N.P., University of Tennessee

Thomas Wills (2021)

Adjunct Professor, English

MFA, University of Iowa

Ph.D., University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Benjamin Noah Wilson (2015)

Associate Professor, Mathematics

B.S., Lehigh University

Ph.D., University of North Carolina

Cheryl A. Wilson (2017)

Dean, School of Humanities and Social Sciences and Professor, English

Interim Dean, School of Business and Leadership

Vice Provost for Academic Affairs

B.A., SUNY, Geneseo

M.A., Ph.D., University of Delaware

Jean M. Wilson, RN (2007)

Assistant Professor, Nursing

A.A., Howard Community College

B.S., Stevenson University

M.S., Towson University

Carrie Wise (2011)

Adjunct Professor, Forensic Sciences

B.S., M.S., Stevenson University

William Wolfgang (2021)

Adjunct Professor, English

B.S., Millersville University of Pennsylvania

M.S., Drexel University

Ph.D., University of Warwick

Lauren Womack RN (2015)

Adjunct Instructor, Nursing

B.S., York College of Pennsylvania

M.S., Stevenson University

Amy Yingling (2018)

Adjunct Instructor, Business Administration

B.S., MBA, University of Baltimore

Andrea Young (2010)

Adjunct Professor, Philosophy

B.S., M.D.I., Howard University

J.D., University of Baltimore

Susan D. Youngren  (1990)

Adjunct Professor, Biological Sciences

B.A., University of Pennsylvania

Ph.D., Cornell University

Jason Zeiler (2010)

Adjunct Professor, Criminal Justice and Cyber Forensics

B.S., Excelsior College

M.S., Troy University

M.S., Stevenson University

Karen I. Zeller (2017)

Adjunct Professor, Biological Sciences

B.S., University of Akron

M.S., University of Cincinnati

Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University

Jinsong Zhang (2008)

Senior Instructional Designer and Adjunct Professor, Information Systems

B.A., M.A., Southwest Jiaotong University

Ed.D., West Virginia University

Joshua Zimmerman (2016)

Adjunct Instructor, Accounting

B.S., M.S., Stevenson University