Stevenson Intercultural Knowledge and Competency (IKC)

Nurturing, respecting, and cultivating an atmosphere where individual differences and identities are perceived as valuable strengths is critical to developing an inclusive learning environment for every student at Stevenson University.

The Stevenson Intercultural Knowledge and Competency (IKC) commitment provides students with opportunities to develop cultural competencies by engaging with cross-disciplinary perspectives. 

Developing students' intercultural knowledge and competence enables them to meaningfully engage with others, identify familiar and unfamiliar cultural patterns, and respond with empathy to diverse perspectives as articulated by the Association of American College and Universities Civic Engagement VALUE Rubric (2016).

In First Year Seminar, ENG 152 and program courses, Stevenson University students learn to:

  1. Identify their own cultural rules and biases.
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of the complexity of other cultures.
  3. Recognize intellectual and emotional dimensions of more than one worldview.
  4. Express openness to culturally different others.