ROTC 374.402 Company Grade Leadership

Prepares Cadets for the rigors of company grade leadership. This is an academically challenging course were Cadets will study, practice, develop, and apply critical thinking skills pertaining to Army leadership, officer skills, Army Values and ethics, personal development, and small unit tactics at platoon level.  This course includes reading assignments, homework assignments, small group assignments, briefings, case studies, practical exercises, mid-term exam, and a Capstone Exercise in place of the final exam. At the conclusion of this course, Cadets will be able to plan, coordinate, navigate, motivate and lead a platoon in future operational environments.  Successful completion of this course will assist in preparing cadets for the Basic Officer Leadership Course and is a mandatory requirement for commissioning. 


2 credits


374.301-302, 310-320, 374.401 and Basic Course


Must be taken concurrently with 374.420
