Chemistry and Biochemistry Advisory Board
James Damewood, Jr., Ph.D., DABT
Business Unit Liaison, Haskell Global Centers for Health and Environmental Science
Dupont Central Research and Development
Michelle Foss
Lab Manager
Irvin Litofsky
Director, Forensic Services Section
Baltimore County Police Department
Amanda Slonaker, MAT, (SU, B.S. Chem ’10)
Chemistry Teacher
Carroll County Public Schools
Paul J. Smith, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Frank Switzer, Ph.D.
US Food and Drug Administration
Stephanie S. Watson, Ph.D.
Group Leader, Polymeric Materials Group
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Mathew A. Zajac, Ph.D. (SU, B.S. Chem ’98)
Director of Chemistry Technology and Automation