LAW 303 Mock Trial

Engages students in a mock trial experience that includes drafting, revising, preparing, and presenting attorney and witness roles in accordance with applicable case law and rules of evidence. Students from all years and majors may try out for the university's American Mock Trial Association (AMTA) teams. Only students selected to be on the university's AMTA teams may enroll in this course.  The teams practice and scrimmage with other universities to prepare for tournaments, then participate in AMTA invitational and regional tournaments.  AMTA case materials change each year and alternate between civil and criminal cases. The course may be taken three times for credit. Legal specialty course. Offered fall and spring.


1 credit


A grade of C or better in ENG 150, ENG 151, or ENG 153


ENG 150, ENG 151, or ENG 153


Fall and Spring