Acceptance and Deposit

Stevenson University subscribes to the May 1 National Candidate’s Reply Date for first-year students entering in the fall. However, students are encouraged to notify the University of their acceptance of admission and to remit the required enrollment deposit as soon as their decision is made. The enrollment deposit is non-refundable after May 1 and will be applied toward the first semester bill.

Students who enter in the spring semester are encouraged to notify the University of their acceptance of admission and remit their enrollment deposit by December 20. The enrollment deposit is non-refundable after December 20 and will be applied toward the first semester bill.

For students who are enrolled at another institution at the time of their acceptance, it is understood that they will maintain the same level of academic achievement and personal integrity through the remainder of their current program. If a student’s work falls below a satisfactory level, the acceptance may be rescinded. Accepted students must report any disciplinary action taken by their current institution after being admitted to Stevenson.

Merit-Based Scholarships

The Admissions Committee automatically considers accepted freshman and transfer students for SU merit-based scholarships when applicants meet the stated merit-based scholarship deadlines. Additional specialty scholarship programs requiring separate applications and often with earlier deadlines are also available. Scholarships are renewable for four consecutive years of study at the University. All eligibility requirements must be met for consideration. (See the Financial Information section of this catalog for more information about merit-based scholarships.)