Student Affairs

Tiffany Sanchez  (2018)

Vice President, Student Affairs

B.A., University of New Mexico

M.B.A., Bowling Green State University

Jeff M. Kelly (2005)

Associate Vice President and Dean of Students

B.S., University of Scranton;

M.S., Northeastern University;

Ed.D., Widener University

Natalie Gillard (2016)

Assistant Vice President, Multicultural Experience

B.A., Lasell College;

M.A., Lesley University

Jeremy L. Munson (2007)

Assistant Vice President, Student Affairs and Conduct

B.A., Waynesburg College

Residence Life

Sarah Mansfield (2011)

Assistant Vice President, Residence Life

B.A., Niagara University;

M.Ed., State University of New York, Oneonta

Student Activities

Daniel W. Schwartz (2015)

Director, Student Activities

B.A., Quinnipiac University;

M.A., Stony Brook University

Wellness Center

Linda S. Reymann, RN (1992)

Assistant Vice President, Wellness Center

BSN, M.S., University of Maryland, Baltimore;

M.S., Ph.D., Loyola University Maryland