Academic Suspension - Online Bachelor's Degree Seeking Students

Student grades are reviewed at the end of each session. Two consecutive semesters below the standard for good academic standing (as defined above) will result in academic suspension for a minimum of one full semester; i.e., a fall or spring term. After the semester of academic suspension, students may petition to be reinstated by submitting a letter to the Academic Review Board.

If extenuating circumstances exist, a student may appeal the suspension prior to being away from the University one full semester. (Specific deadlines and instructions for appeals are in the letter that the student receives upon suspension.) Students are not automatically granted a hearing before the Academic Review Board. Students for whom an appeal is granted will come before the Board to discuss their academic status. In either of the above circumstances, the Academic Review Board may make one of the following decisions:

  • The student is reinstated on continued probation and must follow specific requirements outlined in the reinstatement letter. Upon reinstatement, the student is required to earn a minimum GPA of 2.5 in the first semester of attendance after reinstatement. If this requirement is not met, the student will be dismissed.
  • The student is not reinstated.