ART 351 Special Topics

Builds on concepts and skills covered in foundational and 200-level Materials and Methods courses. The course provides students studio art experience in hands-on production topics related to art and design practice, process, and culture. The course focuses on a specific area of creative production-looking at both historical and contemporary approaches. Topics vary semester to semester and may include Two-Dimensional Abstraction, Book Arts, Digital Illustration, 3D Fabrication, and Advanced Screen Printing. Projects encourage experimentation and risk-taking. The course requires students to explore the full expressive range of traditional and/or digital media approaches. Class time will be primarily spent on studio work, but will also include faculty-led presentations, regular group critiques, and experiential learning.


3 credits


A grade of C or better in a 200-level Materials and Methods elective


Fall, Winterim, and Spring, as needed