MATH 134 Intro to Mathematical Reasoning, Part II

Provides Part II of a two-course transition sequence from high school to college level mathematics by surveying applications of various fields of mathematics to everyday life. Topics to be covered include mathematics in financial decisions, elementary statistics and probability and their uses in decision-making, and other applications. Only students who have earned a grade of C or better in MATH 133 are permitted to enroll in MATH 134. MATH 134 alone does not fulfill the SEE QL requirement. Completion of BOTH MATH 133 and MATH 134 with a grade of C or better will fulfill the SEE QL requirement. Students cannot take or receive credit for MATH 134 if they have received credit for MATH 135. 


2 credits


A grade of C or better in MATH 133

SEE Certification

Quantitative Literacy

