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2023-2024 Graduate Catalog
IS - Information Systems
IS 135
MS Office Applications
IS 140
Information Systems Architecture and Design
IS 150
Relational Database Design & SQL with MS Access
IS 170
Systems Development with UML
IS 201
Management Information Systems
IS 224
Computer Graphics Practicum
IS 231
Network Technologies
IS 232
TCP and IP Communication Protocols for Windows and UNIX
IS 235
Advanced Windows Server Architecture & Administration
IS 240
Programming Concepts With Visual Basic.Net
IS 241
C# Object Oriented Programming
IS 252
Advanced SQLQuery Design with Oracle & SQL Server
IS 260
Presentation Theory and Application
IS 280
Data Management
IS 301
Principles of E-Commerce
IS 302
Integrating Technology and Digital Learning in the Classroom
IS 320
Human-Computer Interaction
IS 331
CISCO TCP and IP Routing
IS 332
High Speed Broadband Networks
IS 335
Wireless LANS and Mobile Communication Systems
IS 343
Web Architecture & Design Technologies
IS 345
Java Programming
IS 348
Advanced Business Applications
IS 349
Service-Oriented Architecture and Dynamic Web Development
IS 350
IS Internship
IS 361
E-Collaboration and Social Networking
IS 380
Information Security for the Organization
IS 385
Management of Business Networks
IS 386
E-Commerce Business Solutions
IS 387
Wireless Technology Solutions for the Office
IS 391
Incident Response and Investigation Methods
IS 392
Information Systems Forensics Internals-Auditing
IS 393
Forensic Evidence Collection Tools and Techniques
IS 431
Exchange Server & Messaging Systems
IS 432
Network Security-Firewalls, IDS, and Counter Measures
IS 443
XML E-Business Applications
IS 444
Wireless Application Development
IS 462
Current Topics in E-Commerce
IS 475
Special Topics in Information Systems
IS 480
Technology Law
IS 481
Project & Knowledge Management
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