Campus Technology

Stevenson University is committed to providing its students, faculty, and staff with secure and reliable computer technology and network infrastructure. The Office of Information Technology (OIT) is responsible for many of the technologies used throughout both campus locations. This includes the computer labs, classrooms, residence halls, faculty and staff offices, administrative processes, and network operations.

OIT operates two data centers, one on each campus, to achieve a high level of availability and performance. Both campuses have hard-wired and wireless networks with many classrooms and residence halls connected at gigabit speeds. Our dedicated digital high speed connection to the Internet is rated at 1500 Mbps and provides fast and reliable access shared among the Stevenson community.

Among the 12 dedicated computer labs on campus are several labs that are open for general student use at almost any time. These labs offer Mac and PC computers with the latest software needed for academic work.

Computer Logins

Each student, faculty, and staff member must have an individual computer login ID to use the computer equipment and network resources. Students must have read and electronically signed the Information Technology Acceptable Use Agreement before activating their login ID. Students should never share their ID or password with anyone, not even the members of Tech Connection or OIT. Students will be held responsible for all activity conducted under their login.

Remote Connectivity

Stevenson University offers the capability for students, faculty, and staff to connect to various services on the University’s network from off-campus via the Web. SU currently supports remote connectivity for Microsoft Windows 7, Window 8, and Mac OS X 10.6 or higher. Please contact Tech Connection at x3000 or 443-334-3000 for details.

Resident Student Technology Support

Students may use computers, tablets, smartphones, game systems and media devices on the Resident Hall campus network. These devices will be authorized for connection to the Stevenson network. Students are not allowed to connect wireless access points, network switches, gateways, printers, or any other similar devices to the wired or wireless network. Unauthorized devices detected on the network will be black-listed and denied access. Technology problems for student residents can be submitted to Tech Connection via the phone, 443-334-3000 or x3000, through the ticketing system at, or by email to <>. If, after evaluation of the issue, the problem is beyond the scope of support provided, Tech Connection staff will make suggestions on what the student’s next step might be; however, the University will not repair student-owned equipment. The OIT staff will help resolve any software problems if possible; however, the University will not install any software on student-owned equipment. More IT-related information is available on the OIT's website at

Technology Helpdesk

Tech Connection is located both on the Greenspring campus, on the third floor of the Dawson Center, Room 302, and on the Owings Mills campus in the Brown School of Business and Leadership, Room 102a on the lower level. Any technology-related assistance can be acquired at these facilities by students, faculty, staff, and administrators or by calling 443-334-3000 or x3000 from on campus. Students may also contact Tech Connection by sending an email to <>, or by visiting the Tech Connection website at Technology assistance is available by phone during the days, evenings, and Saturdays when the University is open. Support is available to all students, faculty, and staff needing help with any University-owned technology. For troubleshooting or repairs to PCs not owned by Stevenson University, it is highly recommended that all students and faculty maintain service plans through the manufacturer. The Tech Connection staff can only provide limited support for these types of issues.

Additional guidance information is available at the OIT website, and at the Tech Connection offices on both campuses.

Usage of Campus Computers

All students, faculty and staff are expected to follow the guidelines outlined in the Information Technology Acceptable Use Agreement . The complete Acceptable Use Policy can be found on the SU Portal.