Transcript Requests
Transcripts are sent at the written request of the student or through WebXpress. The Registrar’s Office does not accept email requests. The cost for a transcript is $3; same day service is also available at a charge of $10. Faxed requests are not accepted and transcripts are not faxed. All financial obligations to the University (parking violations, library fines, and invoices for lost items) must be met, or transcripts will be held. For those requesting a transcript who no longer attend Stevenson University, please contact the Registrar's Office at 443-334-2206.
Students can print a student copy of their transcript from WebXpress. Students may order an official transcript from WebXpress by completing the required information on the "Transcript Request" page. A credit card payment must accompany the request. Students may click on the link to "Make A Payment" on the bottom of the request page or go to the main student WebXpress menu and select "Make A Payment." If the credit card is not accepted, the student’s account will be automatically charged for the transcript. For current students, transcripts normally require a three-day processing time. Transcripts are not released until all semester grades are entered and a final GPA is calculated.
Students now have the option to request an official transcript to be sent electronically. This service is available for current students through WebXpress. Persons who wish to have a transcript sent electronically must supply the name and email address of the person who should receive the transcript. These transcript requests are sent through an outside vendor (Scrip-Safe) using a secure server. The recipient will receive an email directing them to go to a specific website to retrieve the transcript.