FSINV 600 Investigative Techniques/Interviewing

Examines how to gather testimonial evidence by interviewing persons of interest, as well as how to prepare reports of investigation and oral presentations. Students will learn the importance of planning thoroughly before conducting interviews by carrying out preliminary research into the interviewee's personal history and background. Students engage in background research that includes employment, education, financial, and criminal records. Legal issues regarding gathering, maintaining and disclosing information obtained during the investigation is presented, as well as the law governing self-incrimination and providing warnings during interviews. Students learn to differentiate among various types of interviewing, including interviewing neutral witnesses, hostile witnesses, and subjects of investigations. Students prepare reports using analytical techniques that allow them to reach coherent, defensible conclusions. This course must be completed prior to taking Mock Trial.




FSCOR 601, FSCOR 604, FSCOR 606