
The following graduation awards for accelerated students are presented at graduation for the School of Graduate and Professional Studies: 

Dean's Award for Exceptional Scholarship

The Dean’s Award for Exceptional Scholarship is conferred from time to time on one graduating student who has performed academically in a particularly exceptional way, has demonstrated unique intellectual ability and initiative, and has contributed to the academic pursuits of his or her peers. This award may be presented to one student at May and December graduation.

Orsia F. Young Leadership Award

The Orsia F. Young Leadership Award is given to graduating students who have performed in an outstanding manner as leaders in the University community, initiated action, motivated others to do so, and been agents for positive change in the University. This award may be conferred on as many as six students at May and December graduation.

Marion and Henry J. Knott Achievement Award

The Marion and Henry J. Knott Achievement Award is presented to one graduating student who has demonstrated the ability to achieve academically, to reach out to the needs of others at the University, and to persevere toward a goal while also managing major primary responsibilities outside Stevenson University life. This award may be presented to one student at May and December graduation.