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/ PSY - Psychology
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ACC - Accounting
ANIM - Animation
ART - Art
BIO - Biology
BIOCH - Biochemistry
BME - Biomedical Engineering
CA - Career
CDF - Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics
CHEM - Chemistry
CHS - Counseling and Human Services
CJUS - Criminal Justice
CM - Communication
CMH - Community Health
EC - Economics
ED - Education
ENG - English
ENV - Environmental Science
FDES - Fashion Design
FIN - Finance
FMER - Fashion Merchandising
FMI - Film and Moving Image
FR - French
FSCI - Forensic Science
FYS - First Year Seminar
GDES - Graphic Design
GEO - Geography
HCM- Healthcare Management
HON - Honors
HIST - History
IAD - Interactive Design
INT 100 - Principles of Academic Integrity
INBUS - International Business
INDSC - Interdisciplinary Studies
IS - Information Systems
LAW - Law
LDR - Leadership
MATH - Mathematics
MDH - Medical Humanities
MGT - Management
MKT - Marketing
MLS - Medical Laboratory Science
Military Science
MUS - Music
NURS - Nursing
PHIL - Philosophy
PHOTO - Photography
PHYS - Physics
POSCI - Political Science
PSY - Psychology
REA - Real Estate
REL - Religion
SAS- Strategies for Academic Success
SCI - Science
SVC- Service Learning
SOC - Sociology
SOD - School of Design
SPN - Spanish
THEA - Theatre and Media Performance
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PSY - Psychology
PSY 101
Introduction to Psychology
PSY 101H
Honors - Introduction to Psychology
PSY 108
Human Growth and Development
PSY 136
Statistics for the Behavioral and Social Sciences
PSY 201
Writing for Psychology
PSY 205
Career Development I
PSY 206
Child Development
PSY 208
Human Sexuality
PSY 215
PSY 216
Psychopathology in Children and Adolescents
PSY 221
Infant and Child Socioemotional Development
PSY 230
Basic Counseling Skills
PSY 250-254
Topics in Psychology
PSY 260
Behavioral Approaches to Change
PSY 262
Social Psychology
PSY 305
Career Development II
PSY 306
Counseling Lab
PSY 309
Field Placement
PSY 325
Personality Psychology
PSY 326
Special Topics in Cognitive Psychology
PSY 327
Special Topics in Developmental Psychology
PSY 328
Special Topics in Personality Psychology
PSY 329
Special Topics in Social Psychology
PSY 330
Educational Psychology
PSY 333
Tests and Measurement
PSY 340
Advanced Counseling Skills
PSY 341
Counseling Theories
PSY 343
Research Methods and Data Analysis II
PSY 350 - 354
Advanced Topics in Applied Psychology
PSY 355
Experimental Design and Analysis I
PSY 363
Cognitive Psychology
PSY 370
Biological Psychology
PSY 405
Career Development III
PSY 420
History and Systems of Psychology
PSY 450
PSY 455
Experimental Design and Analysis II
PSY 470
Senior Research Thesis
PSY 480
Senior Seminar: Diversity in Psychology
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