NURS 318 Pathophysiology and Pharmacology II

Explores the mechanisms, manifestations and processes of disease. Common cellular and biochemical abnormalities and disease states in major body systems are reviewed. Emphasis is placed on cancers, immune disorders, cardio-vascular disorders, hematological disorders, renal, and neurologic disorders. Principals of disease transmission and immunological responses are integrated, as well as pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and pharmacotherapeutics for treatment of respective disease processes across the lifespan in diverse populations. Knowledge gained in this course prepares students to administer pharmacological agents in the provision of nursing care, to monitor their effects in the individual, and to teach clients and families about disease processes and medication regimens. This is the second in a series of two courses.


3 credits


Must meet all progression criteria for third-year status in the nursing major as outlined in the University catalog including a grade of C or better in NURS 310, NURS 311, NURS 317, and NURS 330

