Refund Policy

Master's Degree Students - Refund Policy
Tuition is 100% refundable through the published last day to drop without record. After that date, no refunds will be given. Please consult the Enrollment Calendar for these dates.

Doctoral Students - Refund Policy

Tuition is refundable according to the following schedule for doctoral students. A partial refund may be made to students who withdraw from Stevenson University within the first 28 calendar days of fall or spring semester. Any credit balance remaining after these adjustments to the student's account will be refunded. Tuition and disbursed institutional aid will be adjusted in accordance with the Tuition Refund Policy within the first 28 calendar days of each semester. Federal financial aid will be adjusted in accordance with the Federal Return of Title IV calculation. The Title IV calculation is based on the day of attendance as a percentage of total days in the semester until 60%. Please note, inclusive access electronic course materials are not refundable after the 9th calendar day.

Fall and Spring Semester Tuition Refund Schedule


First day through the 9th calendar day


10th calendar day through 15th calendar day


16th calendar day through the 21st calendar day


22nd calendar day through 28th calendar day


After the 28th calendar day

Summer Sessions


First day through drop without penalty date


After drop without penalty date

Refunds are computed as of the date on which a written request for withdrawal is received in the Registrar’s Office. Tuition and fees are charged based on course loads as of the last day of add/drop each semester. Charges will not be adjusted if courses are dropped after the last day to add/drop. Tuition refunds will only be processed if a student withdraws from the University within the first 28 calendar days of the fall or spring semester. No adjustment of semester charges will be granted to students who are suspended or expelled for academic or disciplinary reasons. The University reserves the right to suspend or dismiss at any time a student whose academic standing or general conduct is considered unsatisfactory.

Students receiving financial aid should review the refund policies described in the section on Financial Aid under Disbursement of Aid.