Population-Based Care Coordination

Certificate Requirements

Certificate Description

The Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Population-Based Care Coordination is a 15-credit graduate certificate option designed for registered nurses prepared at least at the baccalaureate level who want to expand their knowledge and practice in the growing fields of population health and care coordination. The development of this certificate was based, in part, on the changes in the U.S. healthcare delivery system, which present multiple challenges for healthcare providers. Important among these changes is the need for expert care coordination by knowledgeable providers who are well acquainted with the complexities of healthcare delivery systems, insurance policies, and the varied needs of clients. Students in the certificate option will learn the knowledge and skills necessary to provide care coordination services for diverse populations.

Certificate Outcomes

Upon completion of the Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Population-Based Care Coordination, recipients will be able to: 

  1. Conduct needs assessments within communities and healthcare systems, engaging multiple stakeholders.
  2. Design a plan of care for specific populations incorporating knowledge of community resources, healthcare law, and regulations.
  3. Evaluate quality and safety outcomes within community healthcare systems.
  4. Evaluate culturally-competent community care management strategies through the examination of inter-professional collaborative relationships, social networks, and organizational systems.

Certificate Policies

The grade of "C" is the lowest acceptable grade, and only one can be awarded during the program. A student may repeat one course in a post-baccalaureate certificate one time. Once a student has repeated a course, the student will not be permitted to repeat any other courses. If a student repeats a course, only the latter grade is used in computing the grade point average. However, all courses taken become a part of the student's academic record. Further, a student may withdraw from each graduate course one time only. A minimum cumulative 3.00 grade point average on all graduate work attempted is required for completion of the certificate. Only one grade of "C" may be applied toward the GPA requirement. Certificate requirements must be completed within seven years after the first course applied to the degree was completed. 

Required Courses

Students must complete the following 15 credits:

NURS 547Global Health Perspectives

3 credits

NURS 610Advanced Pathophysiology and Pharmacology

3 credits

NURS 670Principles of Population Health and Care Coordination

3 credits

NURS 672Population-Based Care: Vulnerable Populations

3 credits

NURS 674Professional/Legal Issues in Population-Based Care

3 credits