Library Services

The Stevenson University Library supports the students, faculty and staff of the SU community as they pursue their learning and career goals.

The Stevenson University Library (SU Library) supports the university’s learning community by providing research services and resources at our three on-campus locations and through the library’s website at Students can visit one of our on-campus locations ;the Owings Mills Library, the Learning Commons in the Manning Academic Center, and the Greenspring Campus Library. Whether students are working alone, reading recreationally, or studying with a group, they can find a place that meets their needs at the SU Library locations.

Through scholarly subscription databases encompassing many disciplines, students enjoy remote access to more than 70,000 full-text magazines, journals, and newspapers, over 200,000 eBooks, high-quality images, and streaming video. OneSearch on the library home page ( makes it easy to search most of the library's resources using a single search box.

The Owings Mills Library, located in the Brown School of Business and Leadership, holds a print collection that covers a wide range of topics. This library also houses the print legal collection for Legal Studies students.

The Greenspring Campus library holds the bulk of our print and film collections. The Stevenson University Archives are housed in the GS library as well as a Children’s Collection for Education students. There is a browsing collection at both the Greenspring and Owings Mills library locations for leisure reading. The Learning Commons at Owings Mills North is an active, flexible space supporting collaborative work and interdisciplinary research. The Learning Commons features a computer teaching lab, 3 study rooms and a presentation practice room.

To expand the information available for student research, the SU Library is a member of local academic library cooperatives. Courier services deliver books from local academic libraries (Johns Hopkins, Goucher, Loyola-Notre Dame, the University of Maryland libraries and others) five days a week. In addition, The SU Library’s interlibrary loan service is a free service provided to all students. This service extends the digital and physical library collections available for research.

Our librarians are always ready to help the SU Learning Community through in-class instruction, responses to research questions via chat, email, phone or reference appointments. SU Librarians are knowledgeable about all things research and have subject area expertise. Each academic program at Stevenson has an assigned librarian who knows the area of student and works with faculty and students to provide the best resources and research help when needed. Visit the SU Library website ( to learn more about the SU Library’s services and staff.