FR 115 French Conversation and Culture

Offers French language students the opportunity to enrich their classroom experience through interpersonal communication in French and to advance in their oral fluency, listening comprehension, and understanding of the geography and cultures of the Francophone world. Students meet one hour per week to converse informally and entirely in French and to discuss independent projects and journals, current events and media, film, music, art, literature, and more, with attendees from the college community. The course involves three off-campus excursions to various venues of French and Francophone culture: regional museums, restaurants, parks, etc., and La Maison Francaise in Washington, DC, which features an exciting variety of events each month. This course is graded on a Pass/Fail basis. Repeatable for credit.


1 credit


Current or previous enrollment in FR 101 or FR 102 or permission of the instructor.


Current or previous enrollment in FR 101 or FR 102 or permission of the instructor.


Fall and Spring