BIO 255 Techniques in Molecular Biology

Introduces the theory and practical uses of instrumentation and procedures currently used to analyze nucleic acids and proteins. Directed laboratory exercises in molecular biology techniques and independent student research are included. Techniques learned include gene cloning, nucleic acid isolation, PCR and RT-PCR techniques, nucleic acid and protein electrophoresis and Souther hybridization. Instruction in the fundamentals of the use of bioinformatics tools to analyze nucleic acid and protein sequences is also incorporated. Student groups conduct a semester-long research project using the research tools and techniques taught in the course. The course meets in the laboratory for six hours each week.


3 credits


A grade of C or better in BIO 113, BIO 113L, CHEM 116 and CHEM 116L.


Fall or Spring, as needed


This course has been deactivated 3/16/15 and will not appear in the 2016-2017 catalog.