Academic Affairs

Susan T. Gorman (1991)

Executive Vice President, Academic Affairs and Provost

B.A., Kenyon College;

Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins University

Bridget H. Brennan (2015)

Assistant Vice President, Academic Affairs

B.A., University of Maryland;

M.A., Ph.D., Catholic University

Christine E. Moran (2014)

Assistant Vice President, Student Success and Professor, Education

B.A., M.A., LaSalle University;

Ph.D., Temple University

Mary "Diane" Payne (1998)

Assistant Vice President, Research and Resource Management

B.S., Brescia College;

M.S., University of Cincinnati

Career Services

Susan Gordon (2018)

Vice President, Career Services

B.S., Wake Forest University;

M.S., Johns Hopkins University;

M.S., American University

Information Technology

Brian Fodrey (2018)

Chief Information Office

B.B.A.; M.S., Kent State University

M.S., Drake University

Institutional Research and Assessment

Natasha A. Miller (2014)

Director, Assessment

B.S., Brooklyn College;

M.S., Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University

May P. Hser (2018)

Director, Institutional Research and Effectiveness

B.A., Rangoon University;

M.E., The State University of New York, Buffalo;

Ph.D., The State University of New York, Buffalo


Susan H. Bonsteel (1998)

Director, Library Services

B.A., M.L.S., University of Maryland, College Park

International and Off-Campus Study

Rebecca H. Pisano (2015)

Associate Dean, Global and Experiential Learning

B.A., Miami University

M.A., George Washington University

Ph.D., University of California - Los Angeles


Rebecca H. Pisano (2015)

Associate Dean, Global and Experiential Learning

B.A., Miami University

M.A., George Washington University

Ph.D., University of California - Los Angeles

Sponsored Programs and Research

Rebecca S. Van Horn (2008)

Director, Sponsored Programs and Research

B.S., University of Maryland, Baltimore County 

Student Success

Christine E. Moran (2014)

Assistant Vice President, Student Success and Professor, Education

B.A., M.A., LaSalle University

Ph.D., Temple University


Tracy Bolt (1996)


B.A., Clemson University